While Captain Lee Rosbach from Below Deck seemed tickled to have bosun Eddie Lucas back on board, the jury is still out about new chief stew Francesca Rubi. Plus, Rosbach may have also dropped some serious tea about who could be getting fired this season.
Rosbach was asked how Rubi compared to former chief stew Kate Chastain. “I’m not even gonna go there,” Rosbach said on Watch What Happens Live with Andy Cohen. “Kate is always going to have a very, very sweet spot in my heart. Because we worked together for a long period of time. And she was my right hand.”
“There was nothing I couldn’t delegate to Kate that I could just pass it off and walk away from it knowing it was gonna get done,” he continued. “And to try to compare the both of them, after just one season with Francesca is not being fair to Francesca.” Rubi is seen in tears during the season 8 trailer. “There’s no crying in yachting,” Rosbach says in a confessional.
Could a couple get fired this season of ‘Below Deck’?
Host Andy Cohen wanted to get Rosbach’s opinion on boatmances. “Boatmances are those things that you hope don’t happen and you are powerless to prevent them,” he said. “You know they’re gonna happen so you just hope they work out for the best. And when they go south, God they go south so quickly.”
“Sometimes you gotta get rid of two people,” he hinted. That’s when Cohen realized that Rosbach could be spilling some tea.
So who could be hooking up this season? Deckhand James Hough and stew Elizabeth Frankini definitely have chemistry, at least on the trailer. “He’s a bit of a troublemaker,” Frankini says about Hough. “I kinda like that.” The twosome flirt in the jacuzzi and then are seen kissing. The plot certainly thickens.
Captain Lee has had 2 crew members leave around the same time
The crew scrambles when one crew member either quits or gets fired. However, losing two crew members at once can really put the crew in a tough position. The only time Below Deck experienced the loss of two crew at the same time was during season 6.
Bosun Chandler Brooks was fired and quickly exited the boat. But hours after Brooks left, third stew Caroline Bedol announced she too was leaving. The crew was in-between charters so she agreed to help the interior prepare the vessel for the next charter and was then going to leave.
Bedol says she knew Brooks was ready to quit. “Fun fact: Chandler was only fired because he informed production he was going to resign,” she wrote during a Reddit “Ask Me Anything.”
However, Bedol departed quickly after Brooks when she verbally harassed by the rest of the interior team. Her departure became a center of controversy as the remarks that were allegedly made by the rest of the crew were never aired until the reunion.
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