Swmrs play for some older fans in their “Lose Lose Lose” video. The band released their fourth album, Berkeley’s on Fire, in February.
Directed by Ambar Navarro, the visual sees the quartet roll up to a local community’s bingo game full of older patrons. As the game and the band’s performance both advance, the players become increasingly frustrated with their dwindling chances. By the end, they’re chased out of the bingo game.
“I always wanted to know what it would feel like to crowd surf if the average age of the crowd was 71 instead of 17,” singer Cole Becker said in a statement. “Ambar and I talked a lot about this video as a way of inverting the formula of ‘Smells Like Teen Spirit’. Being a young person in 2019 feels a lot more like being in an inhospitable bingo club than being in the hyper idealized vision of a punk show. You have all this energy and vision and passion to contribute to the world, and you’re constantly met with this sludgy rejection as if you’re intruding on someone else’s party.”
The North American leg of Swmrs’ tour wrapped in May and are currently performing throughout Europe, with forthcoming date in Russia as support for Bring Me the Horizon’s own headlining trek. For the fifth year, they will host Uncool Fest, with shows in Los Angeles and Berkeley.
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