Morrissey’s controversial endorsement of British far-right political party For Britain has led at least one record store to ban his music. Spillers, which bills itself as “the oldest record shop in the world,” in Cardiff, Wales has announced it can no longer support the former Smiths’ frontman, Wales Online reports.
“I’m saddened but ultimately not surprised that Spillers is unable to stock Morrissey’s releases any longer,” Spillers owner Ashli Todd told Wales Online. “I only wished I’d done it sooner.”
Earlier this month, Morrissey wore a For Britain pin during his appearance on “The Tonight Show,” where he performed his version of Jobriath’s “Morning Starship.” Anti-Islam activist Anne Marie Waters founded the far-right UK political party For Britain. Following Morrissey’s “Tonight Show” stint, Waters thanked Morrissey for his support via a YouTube video.
Morrissey has always been one to share his often-caustic and divisive views, from demeaning fellow artists to spouting bigotry and racist remarks. In 2010, while discussing animal cruelty in China he told The Guardian, “You can’t help but feel the Chinese people are a subspecies.” Following the Norway massacre in 2011 where 77 people died, he reportedly told a Warsaw audience, “That is nothing compared to what happens in McDonald’s and Kentucky Fried shit every day.”
Morrissey’s covers album, “California Son,” will be released on Friday and features his renditions of songs by Bob Dylan, Joni Mitchell, Roy Orbison, Dionne Warwick and Carly Simon, and guest collaborators include Billie Joe Armstrong and Grizzly Bear’s Ed Droste.
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