I took a risk on a guy who has turned out to be a liar — am I that naive?

We met three years ago and I fell head over heels.

I am 30 and always believed I was independent.

I never understood why women put up with so much from some men. Yet I am now starting to wonder if I am a naive woman who will put up with anything.

At first I wore rose-tinted glasses when it came to this guy – then I found out he had two Facebook profiles.

I confronted him about the fake one where he meets women and he ignored me for a week.

We still spend time together like a normal couple but he constantly talks about other women. I have even helped him buy gifts for a girl who is his “friend” and he’s been away with a woman who is a “mate”, too.

I still think he’s hiding things and tells me what I want to hear. If I question him he blames me for over-reacting.

He is 40. His ex-wife gave him a terrible time but being understanding is starting to wear thin for me. I really think I deserve better.

DEIDRE SAYS: This guy is practised at deception. If all your emotional energy is going into checking whether he’s being honest, what is in this relationship for you?

I think you deserve better.

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