Well, now women are revealing the secret nicknames they use for their nether regions… and they range from the fun and quirky to the super cringeworthy.
One Mumsnet user kickstarted the revealing conversation by saying that she was fed up with "all this vulva chat lately" and asked "surely people don't call it their vulva in real life"?
Because there's no denying the term "vulva" does sound rather… clinical.
Clearly not alone in her disdain for the word, fellow users were quick to chime in with their own nicknames.
One wrote: "I call the whole area my cookie. Obviously if talking about each part I use the correct term, but 'cookie' covers the fun parts."
Others took inspiration from their favourite television shows, with one referring to it as their "clunge" based off The Inbetweeners comedy. It still gives us shivers.
Meanwhile, another uses the name "vaj jay jay thanks to a Greys Anatomy episode".
Additionally, the nickname "my bits" definitely divided users, with one disgruntled commenter saying "it's so diminishing and dismissive".
But the one nickname that kept coming up time and time again?
According to these Mumsnet users, it's all about the "foof" rather than the "vulva".
One user said she would only ever tell her friends that she is "going to get my foof waxed" over a regular bikini line appointment.
Another simply stated: "mine is a foof."
Not to mention the person who said "vulva is a little too formal for my liking" and instead opts for "foof" because it's more relaxed.
But our personal favourite? The user Cactusplant revealed: "It's called a teacup in our house."
Because we'll take a cuppa over a ordinary vulva any day.
In even more Mumsnet news, this woman finds texts branding her a "stupid b****" and a "lazy cow" on her mother-in-law's phone while they are on holiday together.
Plus this mum has refused to let her daughter back in her bedroom after an "alien" pod appeared on the wall… and people are freaking out.
And this Mumsnet user asks if four weeks is too soon for cheating husband to introduce kids to new partner.
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