Trump’s speech lacks global vision

Past presidents of the United States have used the solemn stage of the State of the Union address to set new directions in foreign policy. It was here 16 years ago, for example, that George W Bush first used the phrase "the axis of evil" which launched America into war in the Middle East.

Few observers were expecting anything so dramatic from Donald Trump’s speech on Wednesday and it turned out they were right.  His speech left the impression that America's interest in the rest of the world is confined to a few dwindling areas and Australia's neighbourhood is not one of them.

This is not a new observation. Mr Trump, who rarely travels, has never shown much interest in foreign policy. But his speech confirms what even Reserve Bank governor Philip Lowe this week described as "reduced support from the United States for the liberal order that has supported the international system".

President Donald Trump giving his State of the Union speech.Credit:The New York Times

Mr Trump started the speech by invoking the US D-Day landing that saved civilisation from tyranny. But he showed little interest in the institutions built up after the war, such as trade agreements or arms control treaties or alliances. He did not try to define what values he sees as crucial for civilisation today.

Instead the State of the Union catalogued Mr Trump's 'Make America Great Again' agenda but shed little light on how he views many issues of direct interest to Australia.

There was, of course, not one word on climate change, a crucial global issue where the US has abandoned the field.

The rising influence of China is another issue high on Australia's diplomatic agenda but Mr Trump almost ignored it except for a few sentences about the tariffs he has imposed on $250 billion of Chinese goods in protest at Chinese trade barriers.

Beyond that, Mr Trump's view of China was benign. He said he had "great respect" for Chinese president Xi Jinping and passed over in silence China's oppression of its domestic minorities and the tension in the South China Sea and the potential expansion of Chinese influence through its One Belt One Road policy. If Mr Xi agrees to buy more US corn and wheat, Mr Trump gave no sign he would care what China did in the Pacific.

Mr Trump gave few clues for where he is heading on several other issues where Australia must chart a course. After rattling the sabre against North Korea in 2017, Mr Trump now says he has a "good relationship" with dictator Kim Jong-Un and plans to meet him again this month without any clear agenda.

Iran and other players in the Middle East will have noted carefully the part of the speech where Mr Trump declared that "great nations do not fight endless wars", effectively pledging to speed up the withdrawal of US troops from Syria, Afghanistan and Iraq. No one can criticise Mr Trump for trying to  end the wars that have dragged on for 17 years at enormous cost. Yet the President did nothing in the speech to explain the rationale for US retreat, for example, how he plans to prevent a resurgence of Islamic State or a Taliban takeover of Kabul.

Mr Trump should not be criticised for focusing his speech on areas where he sees domestic political advantage. That is is natural. But it is frustrating that he failed to provide even a hint of a vision to global allies on so many key issues.

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