Surveillance footage released to the public by the Police Department in Waukesha, Wisconsin, earlier this week, shows the moment that a suspect brought in on suspicion of theft was successful in escaping from the city’s precinct thanks to her ability to free herself from her handcuffs.
Officers placed 30-year-old Amber Gonzalez under arrest after they checked the cameras at the Baymont Hotel on East Moorland Road and were able to identify her as the person who allegedly swiped a cellphone from one of the housekeepers’ carts last Friday, September 14.
Upon arrival at the police station on Delafield Street, Gonzalez was placed inside of a holding cell where, according to WISN Milwaukee, she was shackled to a wall in order to prevent any possible egress. What apparently hadn’t occurred to those booking the 97-pound detainee, at that moment, however, was the likelihood of her fleeing from custody should she seek to wiggle off from the iron ring that was relied upon to keep her constrained to the wall.
Having grown anxious after being informed that the system turned up a warrant for her arrest on a month old drug paraphernalia citation, Gonzalez began to use her cell phone to make calls requesting bail. Seeing that her attempts were being made to no avail, she then resorted to methods of escape that involved her using her free hand and feet to squeeze and pull until she was free.
By 4:40 p.m. Gonzalez was gone from the station, with her escape having gone undetected. A report filed by the department cites that she noticed the keys to the room still hanging from the door handle after searching for them for some time. It wasn’t until around 6 p.m. that she was once again apprehended thanks to a tip provided to authorities by a couple of tobacco store employees.
In the time between her escape and her capture, Gonzalez had reportedly sprinted through a row of neighborhood yards until she arrived at the Pewaukee Road store. While there, she was able to borrow a cell phone in order to reach out to a 63-year-old man who picked her up and drove her back to the hotel she was initially arrested at. After police learned of their whereabouts and closed in on them to question the accomplice, it was learned that he had just paid Gonzalez $80 to perform oral sex on him.
Gonzalez was arrested once more and wouldn’t see her release until she was able to post bond on September 18. She is now facing charges of misdemeanor theft, possession of drug paraphernalia, and prostitution in addition to a felony escape count.
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