A diver had a lucky escape when a shark bit the mask off his face.
Peter Schneider was diving in Rangiroa, French Polynesia, when his group were suddenly surrounded by six silvertip sharks.
Footage of the incident shows one of the divers sat on the coral, when one of the predators approaches from the side and, opening its jaws wide, bites down on his goggles.
After removing the mask from his head, the diver manages to swim to relative safety as the apparently aggressive sharks continue to swim around the reef and the group.
Peter, from Berlin, Germany, said: “I couldn’t help but scream when I saw it happen.
“Once the sharks had cleared, I swam over to check on him.
“He had no injuries, just a little scratch on his forehead.
“The shark didn’t use its teeth as it wasn’t looking to hunt and kill,” he continued.
The footage was filmed years ago but has only just been released in high definition for the first time.
Silvertip sharks are potentially dangerous to humans, as they can sneak up quickly and quietly on divers, especially if there’s food around.
Peter said: “It was the diver’s fault.
“Obviously the main aim is to attract sharks and sometimes the feeders like to tease them a little bit.
“Often the sharks will tease back and that’s what happened here.
“I didn’t have any pity for the diver as he’d provoked the reaction and he knew it.”
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