Ruth Bader Ginsburg, whose recent health issues have stirred up concerns about the political balance in the Supreme Court, was spotted outside of her Washington D.C apartment on Wednesday morning, TMZ reports. Based on video posted by TMZ, Ginsburg looks to still be recovering from surgery to remove cancerous growths in her lungs. The tumors were discovered while the justice was receiving medical care for a fall that fractured three of her ribs.
As The Inquisitr previously reported, experts have said it’s very likely that that fall saved her life. Multiple reports have described the tumors as being at an early stage of development which bodes well for a full recovery. Ginsburg has had cancer twice before, and she’s garnered a reputation for maintaing her work ethic while facing serious health issues.
As NPR reports, Ginsburg did not let surgery from doing her job. After the procedure, she cast a vote which helped prevent the Trump administration from establishing new rules which would prevent illegal immigrants from seeking asylum. She, however, missed the Supreme Court’s first day of oral oral arguments of 2019 as she continues to recover.
CNBC reports that leading cancer doctors have said that she should be back on the bench by February.
“I think a lot of people are getting scared because they are concerned about the balance of the court, but I’m confident she’s not going anywhere. She’s going to be back on the court,” said Raja Flores, head of thoracic surgery at Mount Sinai Hospital.
Ginsburg has a lot going for her that doctors say will help her to recover. She’s very physically active for an 85-year-old woman and has worked out with a trainer named Bryant Johnson for the last twenty years, CNBC notes. The doctors they interviewed also said that the fact that she had a lobectomy is a good sign. It signals that her doctors believe that she is healthy enough to withstand major surgery.
Ruth Bader Ginsburg, or “The Notorious RBG” as her fans call her, has become a pop culture icon beyond the justice system. A movie about her life called On The Basis Of Sex was released on Christmas Day last year. The film stars Felicity Jones as Ginsburg and follows her rise to the highest court in the land.
“It’s very intimidating taking on someone who’s so deeply beloved and so revered,” Jones said in an interview on Popcorn With Peter Travers. “It was definitely nerve-wrecking initially. I was kind of like, ‘Where do I start?’”
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