Rhino calf found cowering alongside mother killed for her horns by poachers

An orphaned rhino calf was found cowering next to his mum after poachers shot her and hacked off her horns.

Field rangers found the calf in South Africa’s Kruger National park after hearing shots in the middle of the night.

When they investigated they found the female white rhino had been killed and both her horns removed.

Her calf, now named Arthur by his rescuers, had been hacked at with a machete and suffered a large gash near his spine, Sky News reports.

Arthus right front foot had also been slashed and his nail split.

A vet was ushed in to help and the calf was airlifted to the neighbouring Care for Wild Rhino Sanctuary, the world’s largest rhino sanctuary and orphanage.

The sanctuary’s founder Petronel Nieuwouldt called in a plastic surgeon to treat the baby animal.

Arthur’s carers said it was "instinctive" for Arthur to stay by his mother even though she had died to "protect her" but the poachers "lashed" out at him regardless to finish the job of taking his mother’s horns.

The team added: "Arthur still calls for his mother, it is a heart-wrenching sound and one that he should never have to make.

"Her death will affect him emotionally long after his physical wounds have healed."

In the wild Rhino calves stay with their mothers for three years in order to learn everything they need to survive – from what to eat to how to keep safe.

Heartbreakingly the team said: "She will teach him how to behave when in the company of other rhinos and he will learn everything necessary from her.

"Who is going to teach him now?"

The incident happened on May 20.

Care for Wild waited until Arthur was stronger and recovering well to tell his story.

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