Mark Judge Is Hiding Out In Bethany Beach, Delaware

His lawyer says she told him to leave town.

One of the questions that came up, again and again, today at the confirmation hearings for Brett Kavanaugh was about his high school friend, Mark Judge. Dr. Christine Blasey Ford testified that it was Judge that was in the room with Brett Kavanaugh when she was sexually assaulted at a house party.

The Washington Post is reporting that Mark Judge has been making himself scarce, and some think it’s because he doesn’t want to be asked to testify, and Kavanaugh doesn’t want him to testify about what he recalls about any interaction with Christine Blasey back when they all attended high school in Bethesda. Press and members of the committee have all been interested in talking to Judge, but he left the area unexpectedly.

Judge left the Washington, D.C., area to lay low on the eastern shore of Delaware in the town of Bethany Beach, just north of Ocean City, Maryland, at the home of a longtime friend. A journalist from the Washington Post saw his car in the driveway packed with his belongings. It seems Judge was a man who didn’t want to be found.

“How’d you find me?”

Mark Judge wouldn’t comment further.

Mark Judge’s lawyer in this matter, Barbara “Biz” VanGelder, said she told him to leave town lest he is asked about his writings, which lately seem to dabble in misogyny. VanGelder said she told the freelance writer to leave town for his own good.

“I told him to leave town. He is being hounded. He is a recovering alcoholic and is under unbelievable stress. He needed for his own health to get out of this toxic environment and take care of himself.”

Though Judge and Kavanaugh were close friends in high school, they seem to have drifted apart as adults. But that hasn’t stopped Judge from writing about their time together at Georgetown Prep which he chronicled in his book, Wasted: Tales of a Gen-X Drunk. In the book, one of his good friends is a boy named Bart O’Kavanaugh, which Brett Kavanaugh would not confirm or deny was modeled after him. Bart O’Kavanaugh drank too much and threw up in the car during Beach Week.

Mark Judge seemed angry that anyone wanted to talk to him about that time, even though he has written essays and books about the time period for years. He released a curt statement to the press, saying essentially that he had nothing else to say.

“I did not ask to be involved in this matter nor did anyone ask me to be involved. The only reason I am involved is because Dr. Christine Blasey Ford remembers me as the other person in the room during the alleged assault.”

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