Fox Host Jesse Watters Says Christine Blasey Ford Is Not Acting Like ‘True Victim’

Fox News host Jesse Watters charged on air Wednesday that Christine Blasey Ford, the woman who has put the nomination of Brett Kavanaugh to the U.S. Supreme Court on hold, is not acting like a “true victim” of sexual assault.

Watters, co-host of the Fox News talk show The Five, claimed that Ford has teamed up with Senate Democrats to stall Kavanaugh’s nomination to the highest court in the land, Newsweek magazine reported. Ford has accused Kavanaugh of attacking her as a teenager during a party, something the current federal appeals court judge has denied.

The claim has delayed Kavanaugh’s confirmation vote in the Senate’s Judiciary Committee, at least until a hearing to air the allegations Monday. Ford has yet to confirm that she will participate.

“I think they thought they were going to take it up to a certain point and then they realized this woman was going to have to testify Monday and that was way too soon for the Democrats because this was a delay tactic and this is a really dirty business,” Watters said on The Five, according to Newsweek.

“I don’t want to cast any doubt on her allegations but the way they are dragging this out now it’s become so political that it’s gotten away from the actual alleged crime. And now it’s about the process and the nomination of this guy. She’s not doing things…the Democrats aren’t doing things in a way that people would do if she was a true victim,” the Fox News host continued.

Ford wrote the Democratic U.S. Sen. Dianne Feinstein in July about the decades-old incident, but it did not surface until after Kavanaugh’s confirmation hearings before the judiciary committee, ABC News noted.

The network stated that some Republicans, in an effort not to cast doubt to Ford’s accusation of sexual assault, have suggested that her charges against Kavanaugh may be a case of mistaken identity since it happened so long ago.

Deborah Ford Peters, the sister-in-law of Ford, told ABC News that she doubts that mistaken identity is the case knowing her personality. Ford is a psychologist and professor of statistics at Palo Alto University in California. Peters herself in a private practice psychologist.

“I can’t imagine any reason that it would be mistaken identity,” Peters told ABC News. “Specifically working with people who have been through traumas, the details of the traumas are often etched in their minds forever.”

Watters charged Wednesday, though, that Ford’s effort to remain anonymous but then took a polygraph test to back her claim seemed dubious.

“It’s just way, way too suspicious to what’s going on,” Watters said on The Five, per Newsweek. “I wanted to believe her. I still kind of believe she believes something happened, but it doesn’t sit right.”

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