Brave girl, 3, born with half a heart still smiling after two major operations

A BRAVE little girl with a rare heart condition is still smiling — despite enduring two major operations.

Lacey-Janet Ambler was born with half a heart — and medics had advised mum Lisa, 35, to terminate the pregnancy on six occasions.

But she refused — and following two open heart surgeries Lacey is thriving and will celebrate her third birthday next week.

Lisa said: “Lacey is only a little girl yet I look up to her as she is so brave.

“We refused to terminate the pregnancy and ever since her birth she has shown us what a little fighter she really is.

“After her initial heart surgery as a baby she has always defied the odds.

“She knows she has a ‘poorly’ heart — when I told her the doctors are going to fix it she said ‘I won’t be scared mummy’.”

Mum-of-three Lisa, an auxiliary nurse from Hull, said Lacey was born with two holes in her heart and its left lower pumping chamber did not develop properly.

She first had open heart surgery when she was just eight days old.

Her last op was four months ago — but Lisa says she is now a normal and energetic toddler.

Lisa said she was sharing Lacey’s story for the ­parents of other children diagnosed with the condition, called hypoplastic left heart syndrome.

She said: “Babies are born with this condition and not given a chance.

“As a mum it is terrifying. I hope Lacey’s story can give other people hope.

“Their strength and determination to fight is incredible. Lacey is a funny little girl who is full of life.

“She has changed my life completely and taught me to appreciate everything.”

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