Tipping Point viewers feel for contestant Ronnie after ‘nightmare’ final round

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Tipping Point viewers fumed on behalf of contestant Ronnie after he managed to make it all the way to the final – but failed to get many counters after numerous snubs from the machine.

The contestant sailed through the first three rounds, but was taken out by the final round with tough questions and minimal counters.

On the questions he was able to answer correctly, he landed minimal counters and they all fell in the wrong direction.

Aiming for the left side of the machine, Ronnie was after drop zone one, but the counters had other plans as they fell to the far right of the zone.

Groaning each time, Ronnie was not impressed with the machine – and host Ben Shephard admitted that it wasn't playing ball today.

Viewers took to Twitter to share in Ronnie's frustration as the jackpot counter stayed firmly on the top shelf.

One user wrote: "Ronnie is having a mare."

Another added: "I get the feeling that Ronnie is not going to win many counters."

A third person chirped: "Looks like things aren't going too well for Ronnie."

When he failed to get the £10,000 jackpot, Ben asked him if he wanted to gamble, but said: "I have a feeling that I know what you're going to say, but I have to ask you anyway, do you want the extra three counters to try for the jackpot of £10,000, or do you want to keep your money?"

Due to the unpredictable nature of the machine this evening, Ronnie chose to keep his cash.

Fans assumed he wasn't going to gamble, but praised him for his success regardless as he still managed to take home a whopping £2,600 due to some of his answers seeing multiple coins falling down.

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  • Tipping Point

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