The third run of The Handmaid’s Tale saw June (played by Elisabeth Moss) manage to smuggle a large number of children and Marthas out of Gilead on a plane and into Canada. June herself sacrificed her place on the flight to distract the guards at the airport so her plan could go ahead. Viewers last saw her lying on the floor of a forest having sustained a gunshot wound – what lies ahead for the handmaid?
There’s one other person in Gilead who knows about June’s plan – Commander Lawrence (Bradley Whitford).
He allowed June to use his home to bring children and Marthas in so they could get to a plane to leave Gilead, which he had helped to create.
If June was to be recovered and take back to Commander Lawrence, could he be the one to decide what happens to her next?
One theory is, due to Lawrence having control over most parts of Gilead and being a prominent figure in the state, he will have some role in determining June’s fate.
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Reddit user mad1feet theorised: “I think June will get sent to the colonies, though only because Lawrence kinda runs the places and it’s much safer than mainland Gilead (Due to the massive events that just occurred all within a few day period).
“There, she finds higher connections to Mayday (I’m 75% it’s going to be Holly, since he was known to be in the colonies and they keep hinting at her being alive) and begins making a case against the country.”
Fans have only been given a small glimpse of the colonies in season two when Emily (Alexis Bledel) was sent there.
She could be seen in a bunker with other women who were forced to work in the toxic land until they died.
Emily did eventually end up back in Gilead and in Commander Lawrence’s home.
However, it’s unlikely June will have the same fate. Now she knows Commander Lawrence, would he really send her to the colonies where although there are no Commanders, there is a big risk she could fall ill quickly.
While some fans are hopeful about June’s fate, other fans are hoping she won’t survive.
One Redditor commented: “I kind of hope she dies honestly.
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“There’s no logical way for her to go back to Gilead as a handmaid, so she either goes in hiding or is killed.
“A pardon would make me not want to watch the show anymore tbh.”
A second added she may not have the attention of those high up in Gilead, as many may suspect she managed to escape.
They wrote: “How would Gilead know she wasn’t on that plane too? Of course June would be on that plane that took the kids, they’ve caught her trying to escape to Canada before.
“I think the handmaids and Martha’s will hide her, they respect her now for being willing to sacrifice herself to get the kids out.”
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The latest theories come as June star Elisabeth expressed her dismay over having to halt production.
Posting to her 1.2 million Instagram followers, she said: “We shut down production of season 4 in order to preserve the health and safety of our cast and crew and join the world in an attempt to flatten the curve.
“This show is my life and this cast and crew is my family. Nothing is more important than making sure they and everyone around them is safe. “We hope to be back in production as soon as it’s safe to do so. In the meantime stay safe and healthy and take care of yourselves. So much love from our family to yours.”
The Handmaid’s Tale season 4 will return late 2020.
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