In its 3000+ episodes The Jeremy Kyle Show has addressed a wide range of problems and conflicts: drug dependency, petty theft, and disputed parentage. Infidelity, lies and trauma.
But there’s only one constant that never fails to get people talking – teeth.
It’s a rare episode that doesn’t inspire at least one tweet bemoaning the parlous state of British cosmetic dentistry.
One guest, Gemma Swift, was even treated to £10,000 worth of cosmetic work to improve her teeth after she was mercilessly mocked on social media.
And here’s some of the sets you’ll never forget…
Poor Stephen set Twitter on fire with his hearty set of gnashers.
A DNA test proved that Josh was the father of the baby that he had denied. But the real issue of the episode was dentistry, with one viewer commenting "First time in ages I’ve watched #jeremykyle five people sat on the stage and I still don’t think they can make a full set of teeth between them!"
Dawn has come back to the show again and again. She does not, however, seem to have found time to visit her dentist.
As he’s over sixty, Alan is eligible for help with his dental expenses. Perhaps no-one’s told him.
And, just to show that these stories can have happy endings, Gemma Swift – the Jeremy Kyle guest who set Twitter alight due to her bad teeth – was treated to a major dental makeover by the show.
The lady who was begging: "Stop harassing me just because I’m sleeping with your ex" ended up finding fame for a very different reason.
But thanks to kindly Jeremy and his production team, Gemma’s problems were solved. Or, at least, her dental ones.
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The Jeremy Kyle Show
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