A couple weeks ago, Jack Black made an important announcement: He’s launching a YouTube channel. The actor and musician broke that important news with a 28-second video that’s much funnier than its brevity might suggest, and it’s clearly caught on: Said video has amassed nearly nine million views since being posted on December 21, which is all the more impressive given the note Black added to it: “I just want to clarify that there is no production behind this. this is all my son. He’s holding me hostage and I can’t be tracer. help…”
Exactly a week later, Black announced that his channel — called Jablinski Games because his online endeavor is video game–themed — already had one million subscribers. Friday’s release of “A House With a Pin in Its Balls” was the first proper Jablinski production, and it technically is gaming-related: Black walks through the Pinball Hall of Fame and avails himself of retro machines, one dating back to the 1940s, all while offering his signature commentary. He’s yet to play any actual video games, despite calling out well-known YouTube personalities who specialize in that arena.
“So that was amazing,” Black says at the end of his pinball video; if the comments and follower counts are anything to go by, viewers agree: As of this writing, Jablinski Games has nearly three million subscribers, and Black says he’ll be posting new videos every Friday.
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