Fired Apprentice star Riyonn Farsad has addressed the fallout from Lottie Lion's "racist" comments in a WhatsApp group, while also hitting out at his "fake" co-stars.
During tonight's episode, the candidates were tasked with finding nine items in Oxford and Cambridge for the best price.
Jemelin's team lost after failing to barter well for a number of objects and she, Ryan-Mark and Riyonn were in the firing line.
Unfortunately, events manager Riyonn, 30, had Lord Sugar's finger pointed at him and was subsequently fired.
Speaking to Mirror TV, Riyonn said that he was "gutted" to be out and reckons that Ryan-Mark should have been fired.
"He hasn't been PM at all and disrupts the situation," he said. "He just sits in the process doing one-liners."
Asked whether the process was what he expected, he said: "It is what I expected but amplified by a million per cent, you don't know exactly.
"They record it for hours and hours and hours but they miss a lot."
Riyonn insisted that he was happy with how he appeared on camera and that he "stayed true to himself", which he couldn't say the same for some of his co-stars.
"I am happy," he said. "I didn't change for the cameras and I kept very true to myself. When I'm watching it back on TV I'm obviously happy with how I am because that's just who I am.
"I'm not going to name names, but there were definitely a lot of characteristics changed on and off camera. It was just very amped-up and more outspoken and a lot of cattiness purely because there was a camera in their face."
Yesterday, Lottie was told that the language she used in a WhatsApp chat was "wholly unacceptable" by the BBC in a statement.
It has been reported that at least four contestants made official complaints after Lottie told Lubna Farhan to "shut up Ghandi" and threatened to "f*** her up".
Questioned about his take on the WhatsApp group remarks, Riyonn played down the drama and said: "You've with 15 big personalities and everyone, talking, having their own opinion on stuff… you can't really guess what people are going to say."
Riyonn said that he got on best with Thomas and Jemalin in the house.
"Thomas was my best mate," he said. "He's a huge character but he's genuinely got a heart of gold."
He added: "Jemalin hugged me for too long [after I was fired] that I had to walk back out and do it again!"
*The Apprentice returns next Wednesday at 9pm on BBC One
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