Coronation Street spoilers: Peter Barlow will get SHOT as Simon escapes kidnapping attempt

The Corrie character, played by Chris Gascoyne, will get caught in the cross fire as Simon (Alex Bain) finds himself in trouble once again.

The troubled teen has been in Cornwall with Ken (William Roache) but will return this week ahead of his sentencing.

His mood quickly darkens when he receives threatening text messages welcoming him home.

Things quickly take a turn for the worse when two masked teens grab Simon and try to force him into a car.

Seeing what's happening, Kate Connor grabs Simon, dragging him to safety.

But as Peter and Carla arrive back at the factory, they are met with a car approaching them at gunpoint.

Will they get shot or will they manage to escape?

Simon left Weatherfield after Ken’s dog Eccles got poisoned by evil Tyler and he was left fearing for this own safety.

The teen found himself caught up with the gang member earlier this year and the pair ended up robbing elderly Flora.

But after Tyler knocked Flora out, Simon saw the error in his ways and decided to fess up.

Trying to make amends he then made an effort to apologise to all of his victims.

He even offered to wash up in the café for free to make up for tricking Alex and stealing from the till.

His good deed didn’t end well though when Tyler paid him a visit and said he would call it quits if he gave him a free sausage sandwich.

He then laced the sandwich with slug pellets, leaving poor Eccles fighting for his life.

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