Universal Pictures
Whether you hopped on the Anna Kendrick bandwagon back when she played the role of Jessica in Twilight or when she played Beca in the Pitch Perfect movies, chances are good that she’s now one of your absolute favorite actresses. But, as great as she is on screen, we can’t help but love her IRL, too. We mean, do you follow her on social media?! She’s literally the best!
As it turns out, tons of people agree, and some celebrities have even admitted to crushing on the A Simple Favor star. For example, one time, Ryan Reynolds said that kissing Anna was like “taking your face to Awesometown.” And, speaking of Ryan Reynolds, his wife, Blake Lively, even joked about cheating on him with Anna! Clearly, lots of people are crushing on Anna, but what you may not know is that Anna has a bunch of celebrity crushes of her own! Don’t believe us? Check it out:
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