WhatsApp users can talk, share instant messages and even multimedia files on the move for free. But few WhatsApp know about a hitherto-hidden feature – they can change the font in the instant messages. It is now possible to make text on the chat app monospace, bold, italic, and users can even insert a strikethrough effect. Express.co.uk explains how to make the most of these secret WhatsApp features.
How to create the WhatsApp monospace font:
With WhatsApp, you’ll get fast, simple, secure messaging and calling for free
It is actually surprisingly straightforward to change the WhatsApp font.
All that is needed to transform your text to the monospaced style is to insert certain icons before and after the words in question.
Users should locate the backtick icon – resembling the back-to-front apostrophe.
This option can pop-up by pressing down on the apostrophe button.
Place three backticks before and after your message of choice will monospace your message.
How to add other WhatsApp effects:
Adding certain symbols before and after your words of choice can insert bold, italicise and strikethrough words to your WhatsApp messages.
You need put one asterix * before your text and they will become bold like this.
Simply inset an underscore _ either side for a sleek italicised message like this.
And adding a tilde – a squiggly line ~ creates an eye-catching strikethrough.
How to secretly read WhatsApp texts without the sender knowing:
Reading a text usually causes a blue tick to appear for the sender.
However, iPhone users can now freely read WhatsApp messages without triggering these ticks.
Some people use the Airplane Mode method, which stops data so the sender’s WhatsApp won’t know you’ve read a text.
But there is a drawback to this method, because as soon as users switch Airplane Mode off the blue ticks appear, meaning you have to remain offline.
WhatsApp users can also entirely deactivate read receipts, but this means they cannot see them from other users.
Models of iPhones from 6s onwards boast a little-known feature called 3D Touch.
The screen has an extra layer of touch sensitivity in it, meaning you can bring up new options by pressing hard on the display.
Pressing hard and hold on the WhatsApp chat offers a full-screen preview of what is inside.
This lets you read around a dozen of the latest messages sent in this chat without triggering the WhatsApp blue ticks.
However, pressing too hard on the chat takes users straight into the full chat window, and the blue ticks will appear for the sender.
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