We need new ways to protect people in the digital era

In an age of ever-advancing, ever-encroaching technology, how do we ensure that our basic rights are protected? New technologies and the speed of progress these days may have many positive impacts on our lives but the fact that they are poorly regulated and hardly understood by the public, poses serious threats.

In Australia, the importance and complexity of this issue is best demonstrated by the growing controversy surrounding the My Health Record system. Many Australians are sceptical of joining for fear that sensitive personal information could fall into the wrong hands and exploited. Hundreds of thousands have already opted out, in defence of their right to privacy protection. And despite government assurances, it’s clear more is required to address an increasingly concerned public’s need for cybersecurity.

Health Minister Greg Hunt has announced changes to the My Health Record legislation.

Health Minister Greg Hunt has announced changes to the My Health Record legislation.

So Health Minister Greg Hunt has announced changes to the legislation that will allow people to withdraw from My Health Record after the opt-out period ends and have their electronic health record deleted. Originally, all records were to be kept for up to 130 years, even after a patient requests they be deleted. Also, the authorities now cannot access information against a patient’s wish without a court order – a growing concern.

And this is just one of countless instances worldwide of how difficult it’s becoming to harness the benefits of new technologies while protecting citizens’ rights.

We need to be asking what a free society actually looks like in a digital world; what form our democratic rights take online and how to protect our right to privacy, peaceful assembly and online mobilisation.

While a myriad of national and international laws are considered to apply to cyberspace, exactly how they apply remains unclear. For platforms that host our online activity there is very limited duty of care for users and few constraints on their behaviours.

Globally, cyber-attacks on civilians are increasing and more states are investing in offensive cyber capabilities. Yet exactly what constitutes digital warfare – from the initial action to the legitimate response – is yet to be established. We need to be working in earnest on these new rules of engagement, developing a new set of norms – cultural and legal – around acceptable behaviours in cyberspace.

Tech industry leaders are already moving swiftly on this. Brad Smith, Microsoft’s president, has called for a new Digital Geneva Convention to protect civilians in the event of cyber attacks and for the creation of a neutral international body to investigate and attribute attacks that do occur.

Such actions are welcome, and effective intergovernmental action will be critical. But what’s needed to reincentivise and to reinvigorate high-level progress is far wider public engagement. Now is the time to harness the power of our collective action to push for new norms, rules and practices that protect our rights and interests.

Dr Dhananjayan Sriskandarajah is secretary-general of CIVICUS, the global civil society alliance and a member of the newly-launched United Nations High Level Panel on Digital Co-operation.

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