The world of “Red Dead Redemption 2” will have more than 200 species of animals to interact with, Rockstar Games revealed Monday in a new feature on the official game website.
“The diverse habitats and climates of ‘Red Dead Redemption 2’ are home to around 200 species of animals, birds and fish,” the feature stated. “All of which behave and respond to their environment in a unique way.”
In “Red Dead Redemption” wildlife added extra challenge to navigating the open world environment, as everything from a poisonous snake in tall grasses to wandering packs of wolves coming from behind could take out the player out of nowhere.
For “Read Dead Redemption 2,” it looks like Rocsktar is upping the intensity of the in-game ecosystem.
Rockstar even uploaded gorgeous illustrations of some of the featured species, including a coyote, grizzly bear, an American alligator, and a couple of horses, among others.
While 200 species is pretty impressive, it is even more so when you consider that the player will be able to interact with all of these animals while navigating the environment and through fishing, hunting, riding horses, and — unfortunately and inevitably, at times — through taking out some of these beautiful creatures from time to time if they feel threatened, as Rockstar points out that these creatures “must continually fight for their place on the food chain.”
“The wilderness is at once a bountiful and perilous place, for both man and beast, and any predator can quickly turn prey,” the post states.
While the wilderness is a beauty to behold, Rockstar shared images of the more populated frontier towns last week for fans of civilization rather than hunting, fishing, an exploring the wilderness.
“Red Dead Redemption 2” is releasing on the Xbox One and PlayStation 4 on Oct. 26.
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