Undo sent messages
Gmail provides users with the ability to undo sent messages, a tool that can be incredibly handy if you have dispatched a message with typos or to the wrong contact for instance.
To enable the client’s “Undo Send” feature, simply head to the settings menu which can be found under the cog icon on the right-hand side of your inbox.
From there, the Undo Send feature should be listed under General.
Gmail allows users to set a cancellation period of up to 30 seconds; this refers to the amount of time you have to undo the message.
Once you have set the time limit, users are able to undo emails once they have been sent by pressing the “Undo” button that will appear in a yellow banner after a message has been sent.
Android and iOS smartphones are similarly able to undo emails by pressing the duly named “Undo” button after a message has been dispatched.
Schedule emails
Gmail recently celebrated its 15th birthday and to mark the occasion Google introduced a swathe of new features for the programme.
Chief of these was the ability to schedule emails.
In order to make use of the tool on desktops, users should press the downward-facing arrow button that is located to the right of the send key.
This will allow fans to set a date and time in which they want the email to be delivered.
Such functionality can also be harnessed on mobile, too.
Before users dispatch an email, if they click Gmail’s settings button located to the right of the send button, they will be presented with an option that reads “schedule send”.
Just like on desktops, this will let Gmail fans choose when they would like the message to be delivered.
Make use of the right click
Using your mouse’s right click in Gmail used to offer up only limited functionality; previously users would only be given options to archive, mark as unread or delete messages.
However, Google recently updated the client to allow for a legion of additional functions to be performed using the button.
Now, when a user right clicks on Gmail they will be presented with new tools that include:
• Reply
• Reply all
• Forward
• Archive
• Delete
• Mark as unread
• Snooze
• Move to
• Label as
• Mute
• Find emails from
• Open in new window
While the new change is certainly subtle, it can help users navigate to different functions in a noticeably quicker fashion.
Smart Compose is better than ever
Google introduced Smart Compose for Gmail last year, a handy tool that harnesses the power of machine learning to suggest complete sentences for users based on context.
The functionality can be harnessed on both desktops and Android devices and is incredibly handy for getting emails written faster.
However, Google recently announced in addition to suggesting copy within the body of an email, Smart Compose will also be able to offer up subjects for messages, too.
Discussing the added feature, the American tech giant said: “Smart Compose is also getting, well, smarter.
“It will personalise suggestions for you, so if you prefer saying ‘Ahoy,’ or ‘Ello, mate’ in your greetings, Smart Compose will suggest just that.
“It can also suggest a subject line based on the email you’ve written.”
Productivity tips
Google’s executive productivity advisor, Laura Mae Martin, recently offered Gmail users a litany of tips to help them get more done while using the software.
One of Martin’s key points was to never mix read and unread emails; instead she suggested fans create multiple inboxes to manage both.
She said: “Combining read and unread emails in your inbox is a recipe for anxiety.
“New emails should come into one section and emails that you’ve already read and require an action should be in a different section.
“You can create a Multiple Inbox pane or ‘move’ emails to different label that denotes a specific action (such as ‘To Do’ or ‘Follow Up’).”
Martin also offered up advice surrounding Gmail filters that can allow users to prevent certain emails, such as newsletters, ever being delivered to their inbox again.
She continued: “Every email you see takes a tiny piece of your energy, so each item in your inbox should be something you need to look at.
“Gmail lets you create filters so that certain emails ‘skip your inbox’ and won’t appear as new emails.
“For example, if you get a lot of email newsletters, set up a filter with ‘Has the words:unsubscribe’—now, those emails won’t distract you, but you can search for them later.”
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