Bill Gates probably doesn’t have too many regrets about his time at Microsoft, but he does wish he’d been faster to adapt to smartphones.
The tech legend recently spoke at a public event and admitted his company should have come up with a ‘non-Apple phone platform’ before Google did.
Google’s Android operating system went on to proliferate and is now the most widely-used mobile operating system in the world.
‘In the software world, in particular for platforms, these are winner-take-all markets,’ Gates said at the event.
‘So, you know, the greatest mistake ever is the whatever mismanagement I engaged in that caused Microsoft not to be what Android is. Android is the standard non-Apple phone form platform. That was a natural thing for Microsoft to win.’
Unfortunately for Microsoft, Gates indicated that it missed the boat on mobile systems and there isn’t enough room for another operating system to compete with Android and iOS.
‘It really is winner take all. If you’re there with half as many apps or 90 percent as many apps, you’re on your way to complete doom,’ the billionaire philanthropist said.
‘There’s room for exactly one non-Apple operating system, and what’s that worth? $400 billion that would be transferred from company G to company M.’
Microsoft did attempt its own operating system – Windows Mobile – which did have a certain subset of fans. But ultimately, it couldn’t persuade developers to create apps for it and eventually it succumbed to the pressure from Android and iOS.
The company has now confirmed that it will end support for Windows 10 Mobile on December 10 2019, meaning handsets running the software will no longer be secure to use.
‘With the Windows 10 Mobile OS end of support, we recommend that customers move to a supported Android or iOS device,’ the company writes on its online support page.
Despite the mistake, Microsoft is still a thriving tech company. It has reinvented its hardware credentials with the Microsoft Surface line-up and continues to have massive success with Xbox.
It’s also got a strong software line-up that sees Microsoft Office apps available on both iOS and Android.
Still, Gates laments that if Microsoft had correctly captured the mobile phone market, it wouldn’t just be one of the big tech companies, it would be the ultimate tech company.
‘We are a leading company. If we got that one right, we would be the company. But oh well,’ Gates said.
Bill Gates left Microsoft in 2014 to concentrate on his health and environmental work with the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation. At the moment, he’s the second richest person in the world with an estimated fortune of £80.7 billion.
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