Heartless hackers are using ‘weaponised’ coronavirus maps to attack victims and steal their credit card details.
A tech firm called Reason Labs has found boobytrapped maps online which contain malware designed to pinch vital data including passwords, usernames and other sensitive information stored in a target’s web browser.
It warned: ‘As global awareness of a Coronavirus pandemic gradually gives way to full out panic, and as governments begin ramping up their efforts to combat the virus and protect its citizens, global news agencies find themselves racing to answer the public’s demand for accurate information about new Corona related infections, deaths, transmissions, etc.’
‘This demand creates a vulnerability that malicious actors have quickly taken advantage of by spreading malware disguised as a “Coronavirus map”. Reason Labs’ cybersecurity researcher, Shai Alfasi, found and analyzed this malware that had weaponized coronavirus map applications in order to steal credentials such as user names, passwords, credit card numbers and other sensitive information that is stored in the users’ browser.
‘Attackers can use this information for many other operations as well, such as selling it on the deep web or for gaining access to bank accounts or social media.’
The new malware activates a strain of malicious software called AZORult, which is designed to steal information including your cookies, passwords and browsing history.
It can also allow hackers to install more dangerous software on your computer.
The security firm added: ‘As the coronavirus continues to spread and more apps and technologies are developed to monitor it, we will likely be seeing an increase in corona malware and corona malware variants well into the foreseeable future.’
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