AI will be lifelong ‘partner’ for kids and ‘know everything’ about them

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    A billionaire tech investor has claimed Artificial Intelligence (AI) will be a lifelong "ally" for children and will "know everything" about them.

    As Elon Musk warns of an impending "Terminator future" at the hands of increasingly advanced AI and other experts claim the tech will soon become "impossible" to control, American entrepreneur Marc Andreessen has a different perspective.

    In what he reckons is a more positive take on new technology, including controversial AI chatbot ChatGPT, the venture capital investor and software engineer, claims they'll be a key player in the success of the future generation by acting as a lifelong "partner" for kids.

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    Speaking on the Joe Rogan Experience podcast on Wednesday Marc discussed how he'd introduced his eight-year-old son to chatGPT and was blown away with how "normal" he found it.

    Marc, who is the co-founder of Silicon Valley venture capital firm Andreessen Horowitz, used his son's experience to explain how children will now grow up with AI guiding them.

    “The AI that my eight-year-old is gonna have by the time he’s 20, it’s gonna have had 12 years of experience with him, and so it will have grown up with him," he said.

    He claimed AI will be such a significant part of kids' lives it will learn "everything" about them and know exactly what they want in life.

    He explained: "It will know everything he’s ever done. It will know everything he ever did well. It will know everything he did that took real effort. It will know what he’s good at. It will know what he’s not good at.

    "It’ll know how to teach him. It’ll know how to correct for whatever limitations he has. It’ll know how to maximize his strengths. It’ll know what he wants."

    As children grow up, go to college and start getting jobs, Marc said they'll "have an ally right with them," in the form of AI.

    "They'll have basically a partner whose goal in life will be to make them as happy and satisfied and successful as possible," he added.

    Concern over what the future of AI will look like has been growing as some experts warn it could be "fatal" to humanity.

    But Marc has dismissed claims that AI will kill us all, ruin our society, take all our jobs or cause crippling inequality as he says it's merely "hysterical fear and paranoia."

    In a blog post on the Andreessen Horowitz website, he instead claimed "AI will save the world".

    Discussing how the "new era" of AI will benefit children, he wrote: "Every child will have an AI tutor that is infinitely patient, infinitely compassionate, infinitely knowledgeable, infinitely helpful.

    "The AI tutor will be by each child’s side every step of their development, helping them maximize their potential with the machine version of infinite love."

    But it's not just children Marc claims will benefit from personal AI helpers.

    He said every person will have an "AI assistant/coach/mentor/trainer/advisor/therapist" that will "be present through all of life’s opportunities and challenges, maximizing every person’s outcomes."

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