Afterlife expert and child psychiatrist Dr Jim Tucker from the University of Virginia spent 15 years interviewing children who may have been reincarnated. The findings of his incredible study were published in the book Life After Life: A Scientific Investigation of Children’s Memories of Previous Lives.
For the book, Dr Tucker interviewed 2,500 children who exhibited unusual signs and behaviours associated with memories of living a past life.
Some of these behaviours included vivid memories of events from many years in the past.
But the researcher was also on the lookout for bizarre scars and birthmarks that could be evidence of past wounds and injuries.
Dr Tucker believes the phenomena can be explained through a quantum universe, where the human consciousness is linked to the cosmos in the form of subatomic energy.
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He told Virginia Magazine: “I understand the leap it takes to conclude there is something beyond what we can see and touch.
“But there is evidence here that need to be accounted for and when we look at these cases carefully, some sort of carry-over of memories often makes the most sense.”
For his research, the psychiatrist interviewed children between the ages of two and six, who said they had lived past lives.
In one such case, a four-year-old boy named Ryan Hammons in Oklahoma recalled memories of living in Hollywood and directing black-and-white films.
His mother Cyndi Hammons said: “I started researching the internet about reincarnation. I even got some books from the library on Hollywood, thinking their pictures might help him. I didn’t tell anyone for months.”
In some of the cases examined by Dr Tucker, children have been able to recall enough detail about their past lives to trace the memories back to specific people.
Our physical world may grow out of our consciousness
Dr Jim Tucker, University of Virginia
The psychiatrist said: “Quantum physics indicates that our physical world may grow out of our consciousness.
“That’s a view held not just by me but by a number of physicists as well.”
However, in a 2014 study, Susan Clancy of Harvard University showed how memories of past lives and UFO abductions can be explained through psychological means.
In the study, she wrote: “Our data point to quasi-spiritual motivations for why some people embrace the identity of alien abductee or past lifer.”
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After first interviewing people who claimed to have been abducted by aliens, the researchers moved on to people with memories of a past life.
One woman detailed in the study, claimed to have been Anne Frank in a past life, while another man said he used to be General Gordon, a Confederacy officer in the American Civil War.
The study noted: “Despite their unusual beliefs, the past lifers did not appear mentally ill, consistent with the scant literature on this topic.”
The study also said: “Having ‘memories’ of past lives is very unusual, even among adherents of Hinduism and Buddhism.
“Their mainstream doctrines endorse reincarnation but deny that people can recover memories from previous lives unless they have attained extraordinary spiritual enlightenment as the Buddha reportedly did.”
In the study’s concluding remarks, Dr Clancy said both groups of people – alien abductees and past lifers – boasted vivid imaginations and ranked high in terms of their openness to “unusual ideas”.
Dr Clancy also noted the past lifers believed in reincarnation and used their experiences as proof of life after death.
Dr Clancy wrote: “They are content with their lives and non-distressed about their mortality.”
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