Supermoon 2020: What is a Supermoon? How big will the Snow Moon turn this weekend?

February’s Full Moon arrives this week just one month after the beautiful January Wolf Moon. Sometimes known as the Snow Moon or the Bone Moon, the Full Moon coincides with a spectacular astronomical phenomenon.

When the Full Moon arrives this weekend, it will approach its nearest orbit of our planet – the lunar perigee.

The so-called Perigee Moon is more popularly known as the Supermoon because it can appear larger and brighter than usual.

According to astronomer Bruce McClure of, the Snow Moon will be the fourth-closest Full Moon of the year.

As a result, astronomers can look forward this weekend to the fourth-largest Full Moon of the year.


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When is the Full Moon this week? When is the Supermoon?

Here in the UK, the Full Moon will reach peak illumination on the morning of Sunday, February 9.

But depending on where you live, the Full Moon might peak in the late hours of Saturday, February 8.

When viewed from London, the Snow Moon will peak around 7.33am GMT.

The early peak means stargazers will have a short window of opportunity to see the Supermoon before it disappears below the horizon around 7.55am GMT.

What is a Supermoon? How big will the Moon turn this weekend?

Although Supermoons are a popular sight among amateur astronomers, there is no concrete definition about what constitutes a Supermoon.

Each month, the Moon comes closest to Earth at perigee

Bruce McClure,

By default, a Supermoon only appears during a Full Moon that is no farther than 10 percent of its lunar perigee during that month.

However, different astronomers might adopt slightly different definitions depending on just how close the Moon is to Earth.

Mr McClure said: “Here’s one thing we can all agree on. Supermoons are based on lunar perigee and apogee.

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“Each month, the Moon comes closest to Earth at perigee and swings farthest away at apogee.”

According to astronomer Richard Nolle, a Supermoon only appears when the Moon is within 90 percent of its perigee relative to its closest perigee in a given year.

By this definition, the astronomer only considers the March and April Full Moons this year to be super.

Astronomer Fred Espenak takes a different approach and believes the Full Moons in February, March, April and May will be super.

He said: “Surprisingly, there are frequently four or more Supermoons – out of a possible 12 to 13 Full Moons – each year.

“The proximity of the Full Moon to perigee is not that rare.”

A Supermoon at its closest approach to Earth can appear up to 14 percent larger than a Full Moon at its farthest orbit.

Unfortunately, most stargazers will most likely not see any noticeable difference on the night of the Supermoon.

Mr McClure said: “If you define a supermoon based on the year’s closest perigee and farthest apogee, then the February 2020 Full Moon is not a Supermoon.

“If you define a Supermoon based on the perigee and apogee for a given monthly orbit, then it is a Supermoon. Take your choice.”

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