Space weather forecast: Solar winds battering Earth at 600 kilometres per second

A flurry of particles from the Sun is hitting Earth at breakneck speeds after travelling astronomical distances through space. The storm, which burst from a coronal hole in the Sun’s upper atmosphere, could cause geomagnetic interference and auroras. Auroras, which include northern lights – aurora borealis – and southern lights – aurora australis, are caused when solar particles hit the atmosphere.

As the magnetosphere gets bombarded by solar winds, stunning blue lights can appear as that layer of the atmosphere deflects the particles.

However, Earth may escape any consequences as the solar storm is beginning to simmer down.

Cosmic forecasting site Space Weather said: “The solar wind blowing around Earth is beginning to slow, dipping below 600 km/s.

“This is still a fast wind, but given the low density and weak magnetisation of the gaseous material, it is not enough to spark geomagnetic storms.

“The chances for auroras tonight are decreasing.”

However, researchers also note the consequences of a solar storm and space weather can extend beyond northern or southern lights.

For the most part, the Earth’s magnetic field protects humans from the barrage of radiation which comes from sunspots, but solar storms can affect satellite-based technology.

Solar winds can heat the Earth’s outer atmosphere, causing it to expand.

This can affect satellites in orbit, potentially leading to a lack of GPS navigation, mobile phone signal and satellite TV such as Sky.

Additionally, a surge of particles can lead to high currents in the magnetosphere, which can lead to higher than normal electricity in power lines, resulting in electrical transformers and power stations blow outs and a loss of power.

Solar storms can even weaken the Van Allen Belts – two radiation belts that surround the Earth and add reinforcement against cosmic particles.

Joseph Pelton, the former dean of the International Space University (ISU) in Strasbourg, said we are helpless against a potential huge solar storm and it could destroy our infrastructure.


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He previously said: “A massive coronal mass ejection that brings millions of tons of ions travelling perhaps at 2 million kilometres an hour, similar to the Carrington Event of 1859, might leave the world’s economic systems and global infrastructure in shambles.

“This cosmic menace could knock out the time synchronisation of the global internet, which is essential for it to continue to function day in, day out.”

The Met Office has previously warned we will face a monumental solar storm in the future, which could knock out Britain’s technology and cost the UK almost £16billion in damages.

The country could be plunged into a blackout because it is not prepared enough for powerful solar storms, the Met Office told ministers.

The weather forecaster believes the UK does not have sufficient infrastructure to prepare ourselves for such an event.

A researcher from the Met Office said: “We find that for a one-in-100-year event, with no space weather forecasting capability, the gross domestic product loss to the United Kingdom could be as high as £15.9bn.

“With existing satellites nearing the end of their life, forecasting capability will decrease in coming years, so if no further investment takes place, critical infrastructure will become more vulnerable to space weather.”

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