Police stop car being driven erratically – only to find a PIG in front seat

“I snapped a photo of it because no one would believe me”

Sergeant Jason Foster

Sergeant Jason Foster received a report of a car being driven erratically on an interstate highway in in Illinois, US.

He pulled the driver over, only to be faced with a 250lb pig learning out of the driver’s side window.

“It was kind of shocking,” Sgt Foster fold Fox 9. 

“He had this 250lb pig on his lap.”

“In fact, it was leaning against the steering wheel he was muscling the steering wheel to keep it in its lane.” 

If you’re planning on transporting any livestock yourself, Sergeant Foster has some advice for you.

“Let the pig lay in the back or put the pig in the passenger seat, whatever. Don’t drive with a pig in your lap…”

Sgt Foster tweeted a photo of the peculiar sight, alongside a checklist of reasons for wayward driving that he had seen before.

It read: “Talking on phone, texting, eating fast food, changing radio station, putting on makeup (all ticked). 

“And then having a pig on your lap – now that was a first even for us.”

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