Playful scenes show a baby orca being nuzzled by its protective mother before it playfully strokes her head with its tail. The heart-warming drone footage revealed to the researchers how killer whales make far affectionate physical contact with each other than anticipated.
Professor Andrew Trites, co-lead researcher at the University of British Columbia’s Marine Mammal Research Unit, said: “It took our breath away.”
It took our breath away
Professor Andrew Trites
Hakai Institute scientists shot the drone footage to study the feeding behaviour of endangered resident killer whales amid concerns the species’ days on the coast could be numbered.
The researchers captured the black and white beasts in their undisturbed habitat and observed the orca way of life in never seen before footage.
This included the whales’ hunting habits and communication between the animals, obtained with an underwater microphone.
Three species of killer whale exist off the British Columbia coast: offshore killer whales, transient killer whales, and resident killer whales.
The Hakai Institute team decided to study the resident killer whales, split into a northern and southern group who are most endangered by threats to food supply.
Fewer than 75 animals are left in the group of southern whale residents now thought to be endangered.
The most surprising aspect of the footage was the extent of the playful and affectionate behaviour shared between the animals, something invisible from the air.
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Commenting on how much affectionate physical contact the animals shared Professor Trites said: “We like to think we are hardened research scientists, but it tugged at our heart strings. Especially the mum and calf.
“These drones are opening up avenues of their lives we have never seen before.
“The same way we hug our kids and hug our friends, touch furthers those bonds.
“That’s the power of touch, and here we have killer whales reminding us of that — who would have thought?”
GPS, depth and speed recording tags were also attached to the orcas to monitor their activity.
The scientists also measured acoustics from a nearby boat to gather data on the number of fish available for the whales to consume.
The southern resident killer population usually eat salmon but have struggled to sustain themselves as the number of the fish falls.
Killer whales begin having babies after 15 years, having one every three to five years, but recently fewer of the calves are being born and fewer still are surviving.
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