Multiple power channels were knocked offline on the space station. SpaceX Dragon cargo was due to launch today but the mission has been back to Friday at the earliest, Sky News reported. NASA has reported six power channels are still functioning despite two of them being offline.
Astronauts on board that station are reportedly not in danger, according to Sky News.
The Canadarm2 is reportedly down as it has only one working power channel when it needs two to operate.
The arm is needed to capture a spacecraft which captures spacecraft visiting the space station.
A robot arm on-board will be used to fix the malfunctioning unit.
The news comes after a video of SpaceX’s Crew Dragon exploding has been circulating on social media.
The explosion was due to a failed test of the spacecraft.
Smoke from the failed SpaceX test was visible for miles, The Atlantic reported.
Elon Musk’s company said the tests resulted in an “anomaly” on the test stand.
The video shows the spacecraft engulfed in flames while off-camera people are heard gasping.
SpaceX said in a statement at the time: “The initial tests completed successfully, but the final test resulted in an anomaly on the test stand.”
The company have refused to verify the authenticity of the video.
However, an internal NASA email warned employees can be fired if they share the video, the Orland Sentinel reported.
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