A storm known as the Great Red Spot (GRS), which was first discovered in 1655, is finally coming to the end of its life – and it looks as if it is lashing out. Scientists at NASA were afforded an unprecedented look at the massive crimson-coloured storm system in 2011 when the Juno spacecraft – which is currently orbiting Jupiter, dubbed the ‘King of the Solar System’ because of its immense size which is 11 times the diameter of Earth – flew past. The probe found the temperature was around 1500 degrees celsius in the middle of the GRS.
Within the storm are hurricane systems swirling gases at 425 miles per hour, which can take up to six days to complete a revolution due to its vast size.
The red spot produces “acoustic waves” of energy that vibrate in the direction in which they are travelling, causing the atmosphere to heat tremendously.
While it is unclear what has kept the storm going for the best part of four centuries, scientists believe that it is essentially re-powering itself thanks to the energy created from the heat.
When Juno flew past GRS it was three times the size of Earth, but experts say this is shrinking and and is now 1.3 times the size of Earth.
But all great things must come to an end, and the powerful storm system is beginning to unravel, according to NASA scientists.
Scientists believe it will be gone within 20 years.
This is because ‘flakes’ have been seen lashing off from the GRS, caused by an underlying current of weather which is helping to break up the storm.
NASA scientist Glenn Orton told Space: ”Some observers implied that these [blades] were induced by the arrival of vortices in a jet just south of the GRS moving from east to west that enter a dark area surrounding it that is characterised by deeper clouds, known as the ‘Red Spot Hollow.
“Stay tuned, as the dark region around the GRS is growing in length, and we’ll see what happens next.”
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