Hundreds of WITCHES’ marks etched into the walls of limestone caves

Hundreds of ‘witches’ marks’ to ward off evil spirits and stop them rising from the underworld are discovered carved into limestone caves in the Midlands

  • The religious and symbolic marks are believed to have been engraved to rid the area of evil dead spirits 
  • Found at the Creswell Crags limestone gorge on the border between Nottinghamshire and Derbyshire
  • The marks were previously thought to have been graffiti daubed on walls from before caves were protected
  • Hundreds have been found and experts say it is the largest collection in one place of its kind in the UK

Hundreds of bizarre markings on the inside of a network of limestone caves, originally thought to be graffiti markings from the Victorian era, have been found to be ‘witches’ marks’ from the 17th and 18th centuries. 

Experts say the markings were etched into the walls were intended to expunge evil spirits and stop them rising from the underworld.

The find, carved on walls and ceilings of the caves at Creswell Crags on the border between Nottinghamshire and Derbyshire, is thought to be the largest collection of its kind in one place in the UK.

The marks were previously thought to have been graffiti from the time before the caves were shut off.

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Hundreds of ‘witches’ marks’ have been found carved on walls and ceilings of the caves at Creswell Crags on the border between Nottinghamshire and Derbyshire and is thought to be the largest collection of its kind in one place in the UK

The marks were previously thought to have been graffiti from the time before the caves were shut off. Some may have been lost as the caves were excavated by archaeologists during the 19th century and were widened in the process, potentially accounting for some surfaces featuring no marks

Until now the largest known quantity of witches’ marks in caves in Britain was 57 in Somerset, but the number at Creswell Crags is far higher – with hundreds in one cave alone

The discovery was made by enthusiasts Hayley Clark and Ed Waters, from the Subterranea Britannica group, during a cave tour when they noticed the rare protection marks on the walls. 

The marks were previously thought to have been graffiti from the time before the caves were shut off.

Paul Baker, the director of Creswell Heritage Trust, said the marks had been visible for decades, but never truly understood. 

‘But we told people it was Victorian graffiti,’ he told The Guardian. 

‘We had no idea. Can you imagine how stupid we felt?’ 

Witches’ marks, or ‘apotropaic’ marks, from the Greek word apotrepein, ‘to turn away’, are most commonly found in historic churches and houses, near doorways, windows and fireplaces, to protect the inhabitants from evil spirits.

Experts said the number and variety of the marks found in the caves is unprecedented.

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John Charlesworth, heritage facilitator and the tour leader at the time of the discovery of the protective marks, said: ‘These witches’ marks were in plain sight all the time.

‘Being present at the moment their true significance was revealed will stay with me forever. This remarkable place continues to give up its secrets.’

Academic and TV presenter Professor Ronald Hutton, an authority on folklore, said: ‘This discovery is significant because it looks like the largest assemblage of protective marks ever found in British caves, and possibly anywhere in Britain.

‘This is a suddenly a large new area of research for historians and archaeologists, and so adds appreciatively to the importance of the Crags as a world resource.’

Among the most common are the double VV engravings, thought to reference Mary, Virgin of Virgins, and PM or Pace Maria.

Other symbols are believed to be devices for capturing or trapping evil, including diagonal lines, boxes and mazes.


Creswell Crags are a series of limestone caves occupied between 50,000 and 10,000 years ago.

They are found at the border between Nottinghamshire and Derbyshire in the East Midlands.  

They have produced numerous tools and unique rock art. 

Bone and flint artefacts have been excavated from the caves and carvings were first discovered there in 2003. 

The caves also provided shelter for Neanderthal and modern human ancestors through a crucial period of human evolution between 130,000 and 10,000 years ago.

The site has been a rich source of archaeological finds and even features Britain’s earliest cave art, with 13,000-year-old pictures of birds, deer, bison and horses. 

Creswell Crags are a series of limestone caves occupied between 50,000 and 10,000 years ago. They are found at the border between Nottinghamshire and Derbyshire in the East Midland

The marks appear to have been added to over time and may indicate a need to strengthen the protection against underworld spirits in response to unexpected sickness, death or poor crops, the experts said.

Until now the largest known quantity of witches’ marks in caves in Britain was 57 in Somerset, but the number at Creswell Crags is far higher – with hundreds in one cave alone.

Marks have now been found in all the caves at the site – and experts say there may have been more in the past. 

Some may have been lost as the caves were excavated by archaeologists during the 19th century and were widened in the process, potentially accounting for some surfaces featuring no marks.

The discovery was made by enthusiasts Hayley Clark and Ed Waters, from the Subterranea Britannica group, during a cave tour when they noticed the rare protection marks on the walls

The caves also provided shelter for Neanderthal and modern human ancestors through a crucial period of human evolution between 130,000 and 10,000 years ago.

The site has been a rich source of archaeological finds and even features Britain’s earliest cave art, with 13,000-year-old pictures of birds, deer, bison and horses. 

The team who look after Creswell Crags are now working with academics and experts from Historic England to better understand the significance and extent of the discovery at the site, which is a scheduled monument.

Duncan Wilson, chief executive of Historic England, said: ‘Creswell Crags is already of international importance for its Ice Age art and ancient remains.

‘To find this huge number of protection marks from the more recent past adds a whole new layer of discovery.

‘Even 200 years ago, the English countryside was a very different place; death and disease were everyday companions and evil forces could readily be imagined in the dark.

‘We can only speculate on what it was the people of Creswell feared might emerge from the underworld into these caves.’

Creswell Crags will be launching tours of the areas containing witches’ marks for the first time, from late February.

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