Delta Aquarids meteor shower: How to see the Southern Delta Aquariid meteors tonight?

The annual Delta Aquarids are the result of Earth passing through a cosmic trail of debris left behind by the sungrazing comets Marsden and Kracht. Every year between mid-July and the end of August, bits and pieces of the disintegrated comets slam into the Earth’s atmosphere. When this happens, the meteors rain down on Earth like fire, producing spectacular streaks of light across the night sky. Read on below to learn more about the spectacle of astronomy

When is the Delta Aquarids meteor shower peak?

The Delta Aquarids or Southern Delta Aquariids, are typically active between July 12 and August 23.

During this window of activity is a single peak when the number of meteors in our skies spikes.

This year, the Delta Aquarids peak on the night of Sunday, July 28 to Monday, July 29.

The best time to see the peak was in the early morning hours before sunrise today but you should still be able to see the meteors once the skies darken.

And the good news is the Moon’s glowing face is slowly shrinking away towards the darkened New Moon, leaving the skies almost pitch-black for meteor-hunting.

Delta Aquariid shower is officially active from about July 12 to August 23 each year

Bruce McClure and Deborah Byrd,

Astronomers Bruce McClure and Deborah Byrd of explained: “Late July 2019 – around July 28 – presents the nominal peak of the Delta Aquariid meteor shower.

“But don’t let that date thwart you, if you have a chance to be in a dark place for meteor-watching, anytime in the coming weeks.

“The long and rambling Delta Aquariid shower is officially active from about July 12 to August 23 each year.

“The coming New Moon on July 31 to August 1 – depending on your time zone – means lovely waning crescents in the optimum predawn hours in late July.”

During the peak, the meteor shower produces anywhere between 10 to 20 shooting stars an hour.

Because of this, the Delta Aquarids are not considered one of the most active showers of the year.

However, it is one of the longest meteor showers of the year.

Where to see the Delta Aquarids meteor shower tonight?

For the best viewing conditions, astronomers advise finding a dark and quiet spot away from sources of light.

These include suburban areas with little to none light pollution or clear spots out in the countryside.

It is crucial to stay away from any source of light that could ruin your viewing experience.

Also, keep in mind the Delta Aquarids will appear low on the horizon, so stay away from tall trees and buildings.

Once you find a suitable location and pack some tasty treats, water and blankets, look for the constellation Aquarius and its brightest star Delta Aquarii.

The Royal Observatory Greenwich said: “Once you’ve located Delta Aquarii on the sky, look away from the radiant point – if you look in the direction of the radiant you will only see short meteors.

“Meteors will appear longer the further away from the radiant you look, so aim your gaze about 45 degrees away from Delta Aquarii.”

Leave your telescope and binoculars at home – your eyes are the best tool for the job.

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