Cops find suspect’s hiding spot in woods after they let out a loud fart

Officers in Missouri, US, scoured a wooded area at the weekend with police dogs as they searched for the suspect who was wanted for “possession of a controlled substance”.

In a Facebook post Clay County Sherriff’s department explained how they sniffed out the suspect outside Liberty.

It wrote: “If you’ve got a felony warrant for your arrest, the cops are looking for you and you pass gas so loud it gives up your hiding spot, you’re definitely having a s***.”

he department later told St. Loius’ Fox 2: “We’ve gotta give props to Liberty PD for using their senses to sniff him out!”

It also praised the department for “airing out a wanted person’s dirty laundry and fanning the flames”.

Clay County Sherriff’s department said nobody was harmed during the arrest

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