Asteroid shock: Space rock collisions ‘can provide the seeds of life’

Asteroid impacts are known to have catastrophic consequences such as the Cretaceous–Tertiary extinction which wiped-out the dinosaurs 66 millions years ago. As well as the actual impact, rogue space rocks can also have apocalyptic effects on life by removing the atmosphere itself.

But the latest research reveals impacts actually also provide ingredients helpful for life.

Although asteroids certainly have a detrimental effect on life, they also can bring in the seeds for life as well

Professor Mark Wyatt

Such asteroid and cometary bombardments can actually be beneficial for creating an atmosphere – and these kinds of impacts could have helped seed life on Earth and other exoplanets, argues Cambridge University’s Professor Mark Wyatt.

He told “Asteroids provide water, which is one of the helpful ingredients.

“They also bring in a whole lot of other volatiles – the kind of things that constitute the atmosphere we have on Earth today.

“Although asteroids certainly have a detrimental effect on life, they also can bring in the seeds for life as well.”

This means early asteroid strikes may have actually kick-started life on Earth, by assisting the ancient prebiotic chemistry that could help get other processes relevant to life started.

Four elements are commonly thought to be vital to life: oxygen, nitrogen, carbon and hydrogen.

And these can come in various forms on comets or other bodies orbiting the Sun.

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There is, for example, carbon monoxide in the form of ices on the comets or asteroids because they spend most of the time far away from the Sun where they are cold, so all those volatiles are in ices.

And it is only when they approach planets like Earth, they heat and are released into the atmosphere.

Professor Wyatt believes this astroid theory, coupled with the discovery of thousands of exoplanets, means alien life does likely exist.

He said: “We know statistically one in every other star, has a planet around it.

“I think the direction everything’s going in is that planets are going to be common, which means that habitable planets – those in the habitable zone – are going to be common.

“There are lots of factors that can be detrimental to life evolving, but there are other factors that can be can be in favour.

“So I think it’s likely there are lots of planets out there that are potentially habitable – whether conditions are right for life, having having got started – we can’t tell yet, how common it is.

“It depends what you mean by ‘life’ are you meaning life as in defined by intelligent life or microbial life?

“I would expect it to be common, just because of the large numbers involved.

“The question is, how rare it is, which then determines how far away you have to look to find the nearest planet that has life on it.”

Plans to build new telescopes capable of detecting exoplanets care sustain alien are already being readied.

Professor Wyatt said: “We will be able we will have those answers in the next decade or two.”

The European Space Agency (ESA) is building called the PLAnetary Transits and Oscillations space telescope (PLATO) that will be specifically designed to find Earth-like planets, like with transiting planets.

And the US a missions to block out the starlight in order to photograph such planets.

Professor Wyatt added: “People might not realise how little is known about the evolution of the atmosphere and the fact that we are finding lots of planets around other stars and, and learning about their atmospheres and the potential for life on them, which is something that is coming up in the next decade.”

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