Apollo 11: 11 facts you might not know about NASA’s historic moon landing

This week, NASA is celebrating the 50th anniversary of its Apollo 11 mission, which saw humans set food on the moon for the first time.

The mission took place in July 1969, and was broadcast to hundreds of millions of eager viewers around the world.

Despite this, there are many details about the mission that remain widely unknown. 

To celebrate the 50th anniversary, we’ve rounded up 11 facts about the Apollo 11 mission that you might not have known – feel free to borrow them to impress your friends!

1. Neil Armstrong’s ‘small step’ wasn’t so small

As he stepped onto the lunar surface, Neil Armstrong famously said: “One small step for [a] man, one giant leap for mankind.”

However, Armstrong’s first step wasn’t so small in reality.

To reach the surface from the Eagle ladder, Armstrong had to drop down around 3.5 feet!

2. Buzz Aldrin played a Frank Sinatra song on the moon

Buzz Aldrin chose a very fitting first song to play as he stepped onto the moon, 20 minutes after Armstrong.

The astronaut played a cassette of Frank Sinatra ’s ‘Fly Me To The Moon’.

3. President Richard Nixon had prepared for the worst

Ahead of the moon landing, President Richard Nixon had pre-written a speech, titled ‘In event of moon disaster.’

The speech reads: “Fate has ordained that the men who went to the moon to explore in peace will stay on the moon to rest in peace.

“These brave men, Neil Armstrong and Edwin Aldrin, know that there is no hope for their recovery. But they also know that there is hope for mankind in their sacrifice.”

4. Buzz Aldrin took Holy Communion on the moon

Aldrin was a devout Christian, and took Holy Communion shortly after landing on the moon.

He said: “I opened the little plastic packages which contained bread and wine.

“I poured the wine into the chalice our church had given me. In the one-sixth gravity of the moon, the wine curled slowly and gracefully up the side of the cup.

“It was interesting to think that the very first liquid ever poured on the moon, and the first food eaten there, were communion elements.”

5. The astronauts couldn't get life insurance

The Apollo 11 was deemed so dangerous that the astronauts were unable to get life insurance.

Instead, the crew signed hundreds of envelopes before launch day, in the hopes that they could be sold and raise funds for their families.

Space historian Robert Perlman told NPR: “These astronauts had been signing autographs since the day they were announced as astronauts, and they knew even though eBay didn’t exist back then, that there was a market for such things, there was demand.”

6. A felt-tip pen saved Armstrong and Aldrin’s lives

Armstrong and Aldrin almost didn’t make it off the moon, after a circuit breaker on board the Eagle lander broke.

Thankfully, the team had a felt-tip pen on board, which they used to flick the switch back on.

7. Most photos from the mission feature Aldrin and not Armstrong

While Armstrong was the first person to step onto the moon, most of the pictures from the lunar surface actually feature Aldrin, who stepped out 20 minutes after Armstrong.

Armstrong was an eager photographer, and was behind the camera of much of his time on the moon.

8. The astronauts were meant to nap before stepping onto the moon

NASA had put together a detailed flight plan for the mission, which included a nap for Aldrin and Armstrong after they landed on the moon.

Unsurprisingly, the astronauts were too excited about stepping out to sleep, so decided to skip the nap!

9. Saturn V is the biggest rocket to ever successfully launch

The mission started on July 16 1969, when the team launched into space on board a Saturn V rocket.

The enormous rocket weighed in at over 6.5 million pounds, making it the biggest rocket to ever successfully launch into space!

10. Apollo 11 landing is one of the most-watched TV moments in history

Over 530 million viewers tuned in worldwide to match the moon landing, making it one of the most-watched TV moments in history.

The most-watched TV moment is said to be the 2008 Olympic Opening Ceremony in Beijing, which was watched by an estimated 2 billion people!

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