The incredible Egyptian discovery was made by Polish archaeologists in the ancient city of Marea, southwest of Alexandria. The ancient Egyptian city, which dates back more than 2,000 years, may have been a hotspot of early Christianity in Egypt. Marea was home to a large Christian basilica, which operated between the fifth and eighth century. Underneath the basilica, however, were hidden the remains of an even older temple raised by local Christians.
According to archaeologist Krzysztof Babraj, from the Krakow Museum of Archaeology, the temple was found directly under the basilica’s ruins.
He said: “Towards the end of the last research season under the basilica, we came across remains in the form of walls.
“It turned out, they were the outer walls of an even older church.”
The newly discovered church, which could date back to the fourth century, was completely built over by the basilica.
The archaeologists measured the humble structure at around 79ft by 49ft (24m by 15m).
Inside the church, the archaeologists found broken ceramic pots and glass.
Some of the pots were likely used to store wine and came from outside of Egypt, from places like Cyprus or Anatolia – modern-day Turkey.
Among the ruins, the excavation also unearthed so-called Greek crosses – crosses with equal arm lengths – and small flasks for scented perfumes.
The Christian temple most likely collapsed after an earthquake struck the port city.
And specific construction techniques used in raising the church suggest its walls were built sometime around the mid-fourth century.
Dr Babraj said: “It is, therefore, one of the oldest Christian temples found in Egyptian territories, today.”
It is, therefore, one of the oldest Christian temples found
Krzysztof Babraj, from the Krakow Museum of Archaeology
In the expert’s opinion, the structure was built by locals but it shared architectural features with churches found on the Greek islands and mainland around the same time period.
The archaeologist said: “Our discovery is also important because we practically do not know of any church remains from the neighbouring metropolis of Alexandria, from this time period.
“Now we know, how they could have looked like, which is is why it is crucial we continue our research, which we have only just begun in the vicinity of the old church.”
The ancient Egyptian city of Marea was a port city built during the conquests of Alexander the Great.
The port developed from around the time of the third century BC up until the Byzantine era of the eighth century AD.
Marea served as a transport hub on the Nile, connecting goods from deep within Egypt to the Mediterranean.
The ancient city may have also been known in the past as Philoxenite.
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