“Big Little Lies” actor Zoë Kravitz made headlines early in 2021 after she split from Karl Glusman, her husband of 18 months. Following news of the bombshell divorce, Glusman promptly deleted all photos of the once-happy couple from his social media page, while Kravitz posted an image of a person called “The Universe” taking out the trash, along with the caption: “People, places and things that no longer serve my greatest and highest good” (via HuffPost).
With the divorce still fresh, all eyes were on Kravitz to see whether she would rebound, perhaps with a former flame, à la Jennifer Lopez. Instead, the star kept fans on their toes with a cryptic April Instagram post that hinted at her sexuality. “So …. This is a thing @taylour #thisisimportant,” Kravitz wrote alongside a photo that showed her beaming with actor Taylour Paige. On the one hand, the flirty caption might have been as simple as best friends hanging out together, or it could have been a coming out statement. To date, Kravitz has not clarified what exactly “the thing” entails, but while we are waiting to hear more, we have it in writing that Kravitz has kissed at least one girl before … though she did not like it (sorry, Katy Perry). Keep reading for more details on Kravitz’s strange physical encounter with British singer Lily Allen.
Lily Allen once kissed Zoë Kravitz
Per Page Six, Zoë Kravitz is not fond of Lily Allen, who she claims once “attacked” her with a non-consensual kiss. The multi-hyphenate discussed the kiss — which is believed to have occurred in 2014 — during a 2018 segment on “Watch What Happens Live with Andy Cohen,” after Allen’s autobiography “My Thoughts Exactly” hit shelves. In her memoir, Allen wrote that she had gotten to know Kravitz through her band Lolawolf. While in New York, “Zoe and I went out partying and ended up kissing,” Allen’s book stated. “I heard that later that same night she’d got down with A$AP Rocky. Go girl, I thought.”
According to Kravitz, however, what actually happened was a different story. When a viewer called in and asked Kravitz whether “Lily Allen warned you that she was going to write about the two of you kissing in her autobiography,” Kravitz first threw shade by asking, “Who’s Lily Allen?” She clarified, “If by kissing she means, like, attacking, then yes, she kissed me,” making it clear that the kiss did not occur the way it was portrayed in the book. “It was portrayed like I wanted it,” Kravitz added. As of this writing, Allen has not responded to Kravitz’s interpretation of their lip lock. Thankfully, Kravitz seems to have moved on just fine and may even have found love with Taylour Paige.
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