March 21- April 19
You're dominating the conversation today. You have a lot of ideas, and you really want people to listen and know how serious you are about setting your plans in motion. It's good to communicate passionately, but keep breathing, too. Someone else might say something useful, or produce an idea that will make your strategy even better. If they offer criticism, take it in stride. They're trying to help, and you could use the quality control.
Illustration by Rocco Fazzari
April 20-May 20
Of course it's good to be ambitious and to stick to your plan. But going head-to-head with someone now could easily lead to trouble. That's because you're even more stubborn than usual, Taurus, and you might come across as more difficult than you realise. As tenacious as you are, you should still consider backing off a bit today. Cooperation counts for a lot now. You should be working to preserve your partnerships, not test them.
May 21-June 21
When someone offers advice today, instead of taking it seriously, you just toss out a quick response and turn your back. Where's your team spirit? More to the point, where's this sudden insecurity coming from? It's likely that others are actually offering valuable input. And if they're displeased with something you've done, it might be well-deserved. Try to be humble, and take suggestions and complaints seriously. There's always room for improvement.
June 22-July 22
Go with the flow today. Life seems to move along at an exciting yet still comfortable pace. You're single-minded and steadfast, and whatever goals you pursue, you meet with little resistance. For that reason alone, take this as an opportunity to make something wonderful happen. Don't just sit back and enjoy the ease of this period; make your desires known, and take solid steps toward something you really want.
July 23-August 22
You'll need a physical workout today. Get outside and hit the trail or gym for a vigorous session. Otherwise, all that pent-up energy swirling around inside you might make you quite bossy. And that would just annoy your friends and colleagues, which would only make you feel worse. So try not to let any anxiety turn into full-fledged desperation. Head that off with simple measures like a long jog or a few hours of exertion.
August 23-September 22
You're thrifty, and you enjoy asking probing questions. These are good things, now more than ever. It's perfectly fine if you're slow to take advantage. It's not like today's blessings and opportunities are going to dry up if you don't pounce on them. You have the whole day to find a good deal, so take your time. Poke around and get a feel for things. Then you'll know the right direction to take, no matter what you're looking for.
September 23-October 22
Learning is a gradual process, one that shouldn't be forced or hurried. In that spirit, take today to relax, regroup and refine your techniques in some area of your life that isn't working quite as smoothly as you'd prefer. You're open to learning something new and improving now, and once you've mastered these techniques, you can share them with others. It's great to pass on knowledge like this, Libra. It makes you feel good to give back.
October 23 – November 22
Despite your big plans it's okay to be reserved today. Why flaunt your obvious strength? You know your own aspirations and that's what counts. Be careful of steam rolling others as the month starts to play out, though. They'll catch on as the pieces of this grand puzzle start falling into place. Yes, this is quite an incredible project you've constructed. You've worked hard, and that sense of accomplishment you're currently enjoying is well-deserved.
November 23-December 20
Today is for conserving your energy. That may sound a little dull, since you normally aren't one to slow down on purpose. But perhaps it will help you to know that soon, life will pick up its pace once again. There are some interesting plans and situations in the works, and once you've built up your energy stores and your sense of excitement, you can throw yourself into them full-throttle, like usual.
December 21-January 19
Power means a lot to you. It represents security and a solid reputation, and the ability to make things happen. And you're tenacious about holding on to your own power. But now you can relax for a while. Why not take a day simply to enjoy your blessings? The important people in your life are eager to hear from you. This is the perfect time to reconnect with them at a dinner party or get-together.
January 20-February 18
Today you'll rebel against your inhibitions. Is this a good thing? Inhibitions do nothing but hold us back, right? Well, not necessarily. Many times they prevent us from taking silly steps toward an ill-advised future. Is it possible that's where you're going? Yes, it's possible, so don't be foolhardy. You're better off taking only small steps — ones you can take back later, if need be — until the whole picture is clearer.
February 19-March 20
You feel connected with each and every other being on the planet. This realisation is like a warm glow in your soul, softening your heart and clearing your vision. Someone in your life is sure to find this highly appealing and today you'll get as lucky as you want to be. Lose yourself in the beauty of your surroundings and the joy of loving others. Any or all of it will feel like a blessing.
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