My Daily Horoscope: What does January 19th 2023 bring for MY star sign? Oscar Cainer tells all
To quote Dolly Parton, whose birthday is today, ‘If you want the rainbow, you’ve got to put up with the rain’. As the Sun prepares to enter Aquarius ahead of the New Moon, the skies encourage us to focus on the new. Experience gained recently will enable valuable change. And, with Mercury and Uranus moving towards a harmonious link, the way ahead becomes clearer. As Dolly also said: ‘Storms make trees take deeper roots’.
Read more horoscopes on MailOnline.
March 21 – April 20
It goes without saying that we need faith in our capabilities and talents. If our confidence was never challenged, would we need that faith? Yours has taken a bit of a dent recently. But just because the road through life isn’t without bumps and potholes doesn’t mean it won’t lead to success. You’ve been obliged to put your heart and soul into a recent project. Now Mercury’s moving forwards again, by absorbing the lessons you’ve learned you’ll grow even stronger and more able. Gain power over your future!
The new year heralds a chance for you to transform your life. Call 0906 751 5601.
To quote Dolly Parton, whose birthday is today, ‘If you want the rainbow, you’ve got to put up with the rain’, says Oscar Cainer
April 21- May 21
We tend to think that we need to be able to trust people completely. That if there’s an element of doubt, it will eventually destroy our relationships. But life doesn’t work that way… which is just as well, because absolute conviction is dangerous. An edge of uncertainty is a sign of wisdom — and a large amount can be healthy. To summon the magic of belief we need slightly more faith than distrust. And you’ve got that. Listen to your instincts and respond with sensitivity today. The trust you’ve invested is well placed.
For news to help you make 2023 the year that your dreams come true, call your year-ahead forecast: 0906 751 5602.
May 22 – June 22
What are you longing to hear? Is it an affirmation? Reassurance? Or praise? Why do you need it? Surely you only expect to hear such words because you feel you’ve earned them? So instead of looking for them from someone else, why not look within? Be confident. Be strong. Just as you’re now looking to others for reassurance, others are looking to you. With your ruler, Mercury, moving forwards, you can be more assertive and find the right way to say something that needs to be said.
For surprisingly encouraging news about your prospects in 2023, call your year-ahead forecast: 0906 751 5603.
As the Sun prepares to enter Aquarius ahead of the New Moon, the skies encourage us to focus on the new
June 23 – July 23
Moving the goalposts is one thing. Doing it when all the players are focusing on the action at the other end of the pitch is another. The rules of a particular arrangement are being rewritten. You’re not going to gain any bonus points from sticking with the previous agreement. It’s time to adapt — and to do that effectively you need to be aware of how other people are moving on. Be alert to subtle changes. Take nothing as read. And don’t forget that you’re allowed to rewrite the rules, too. Make sure they benefit you! There’s hope on your horizon!
There’s valuable news in your year-ahead predictions. Call 0906 751 5604.
July 24 – August 23
When attempting to write down history, historians turn to the works of previous writers. And when those earlier chroniclers sat down to write, they turned to the authors who’d gone before them. Knowledge of the past helps us understand the present. We can learn and adapt our behaviour to improve our world. As you uncover a lost page of your own history book, see this as exciting information that will enable you to create a brighter future. It holds the key to self-understanding. This year will be much better than you think!
For news about what you’ve got to look forward to, call 0906 751 5605.
August 24 – September 23
No system is perfect. Any scientist will tell you that a degree of wastage is inevitable. No matter how efficient you are with money, time or energy, some of it will fail to meet its mark. It’s not worth worrying about. Unless you’re being deliberately wasteful, you just have to accept the fact that not everything can run successfully at a bare minimum. You’ve underestimated the amount of effort a particular project is going to require. But rather than berating yourself, just give it more. It will give you even more back. Start 2023 with optimism and hope.
Don’t miss your year-ahead forecast. For inspiring news, call 0906 751 5606.
September 24 – October 23
The amount of seasoning we use needs to be carefully balanced. Too much salt will make your dinner inedible. Not enough, and it won’t taste as good as it could. Similarly, we have to take some ideas with a mere pinch of it. We need to be able to stand back and assess the combination of ingredients in any given situation in order to know what can be added to improve it. You’re feeling so enthused about a project you’re ready to throw everything at it. Just take a moment to ensure that it’s not perfect just the way it is.
Want to know what 2023 has in store? For inspiring news about the year ahead, call 0906 751 5607.
October 24 – November 22
If you took yourself off to the airport and watched the world go by, it would be easy to assume that the world is full of wealthy people who spend their time jet-setting. Yet this would be an assumption. Some of those folk will have saved for ages to visit distant relatives. We can’t help but form impressions and jump to conclusions. You’re working hard at a task right now. And no one seems to be acknowledging your effort. But the rewards will take you to a dream destination. Be patient . . . and keep going. This year holds great potential for you!
For an in-depth guide to your year-ahead outlook, call 0906 751 5608.
November 23 – December 21
We all know that a pessimist would call a glass half empty while an optimist thinks it’s half full. And a realist knows that it’s 50/50. But we don’t think about the context of the glass. If you’re about to have dinner, it’s probably about to be filled up. And if you’ve finished eating, it will probably be empty. Glasses are destined to be filled with different levels of fluid at different times. Even if you’re dealing with a disappointment, hold on to your Sagittarian optimism. Things are about to get better.
Don’t miss your year-ahead forecast and love outlook for 2023. For inspiring news, call 0906 751 5609.
December 22 – January 20
How are we supposed to respond when it looks as if things are going pear-shaped? Should we shrug our shoulders and think our idea was destined to fail . . . that we should have known better? Actually, no. Instead of being defeated, we must prepare for battle, stand our ground, and give these awkward circumstances a run for their money. Don’t let someone (or something) intimidate you into surrendering. If you stand up defiantly for what you believe in, you’ll be vindicated. And successful. There’s good reason to be optimistic!
Things can work out well in 2023. Call your year-ahead forecast: 0906 751 5610.
January 21 – February 19
Having Venus in your sign is truly positive. While there’s no guarantee that it has transformed you into Michelangelo’s David or Botticelli’s Venus, it has imbued you with a magnetic attraction. As it moves into the final week of its stay, it’s time to focus on its gifts. Not only can Venus inspire you to express yourself with greater eloquence, it can enable you to see simple solutions to old problems. And with the Sun entering your sign, your heightened skills can have a real impact on your world. The cosmos is on your side in 2023.
Find out how you can benefit from the luck and fortune it brings. Call 0906 751 5611.
February 20 – March 20
What a world. Here we all are. You, me and eight billion other folk. None of us know where we were before we arrived here. And none of us know where we’re going next. We’re surrounded by various theories and beliefs, but none of them has much influence on the problems and uncertainties we’re dealing with. In order to cope, we tend to narrow our sights and muddle through. You, though, need to open your mind up to a new possibility. It might not make logical sense, but it might just transform the way you feel about your life.
Let 2023 bring the change you desire. For encouraging news about your fortunes, call 0906 751 5612.
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