
Most Hollywood wannabes start out waiting tables. Twenty years after moving to Tinseltown to follow her dreams, Ashley Roberts is strapping on an apron and serving pie, eight shifts a week.

After finishing runner-up on last year’s Strictly Come Dancing, London’s West End came calling and Ashley is making her theatre debut in the smash hit musical Waitress, which made its Broadway transfer over here in March.

But this isn’t a giant slice of Great British Bake Off cosy cuteness  The show is very grounded in the trials and tribulations of three waitresses, so no sequins and stilettos in sight. The bigger surprise is that Ashley is tackling the least overtly sexy member of the group. Her character Dawn is a shy, socially awkward duckling in big glasses who has never had a boyfriend – and Ashley couldn’t be happier.

“I’m stripping it back,’ she says with a big grin. “That’s what I’m excited about. The Strictly audience saw a teensy bit of it when I did the troll Charleston but I have a kooky side to me and I can’t wait to let that out and show all different sides of myself.

“I’m not gonna lie, in the past I was always about the pop world and hip hop and jazz dancing. The theatre wasnt really a big goal of mine – until I did Strictly. I’d been ten years away from performing and getting in there and coming up with the characters and stories, I realised I wanted to get out on the stage again. It was just divine timing that Waitress came to me after Strictly and I am so grateful.”

She may have been in the industry for twenty years, played huge stadiums with the Pussycat Dolls, sold 54 million records and been watched by millions on Strictly and I’m A Celebrity, but this is her theatre debut and terrifying in its own way.   

“It is surreal stepping foot on stage it is so different from a pop concert where everyone is jumping around and screaming. In a theatre they are sat there, staring at you and taking it all in,” she laughs. “So, yes, I’m nervous but I’m excited and the cast is just fantastic and Sara Bareilles’ music is incredible.” 

Ashley also has 

Unlike poor Dawn, Ashley is currently blissfully paired up with Strictly professional Giovanni Pernice. She was partnered on screen with Pasha Kovalek but romance blossomed behind the scenes with the Italian. 

Giovanni can’t stop charming fans with romantic posts on social media and Ashley breaks into a huge grin when his name comes up.

“We’re just really happy and it’s evolved into something really, really lovely,” she says. “It was so unexpected, he is so supportive. And guess what? He is a huge musicals fan. Huge. I think he was more excited than me when I got the role in Waitress. He was like, ‘Oh my God, babe. This is so amazing. My girlfriend is in the West End.’” 

While we’re on the subject, the BBC dance smash is hovering on the horizon and there have been numerous rumours about who will replace Darcy Bussel as the fourth judge.

“Have there?” Ashley teases, as if she doesn’t know she is one of those tipped to dance into the hot seat. Her record-breaking run of five perfect scores should surely make her a shoe-in? 

“Well, honey, I don’t have time,’ she replies “Darcey is such big shoes to fill. She was such a presence on the show and she brought so much class… and I haven’t been asked.”

Is she playing coy? Her engagement in Waitress is for a limited run only until the end of the summer, which would leave her perfectly free, just in time for filming.

“Well, we don’t know yet that I’ll be free,” Ashley smiles. “There might be more big news coming up for me in the UK. Some fun stuff, which I can’t get into yet, but this year is looking really great. But it’s not Strictly.”

After seven years as a Pussycat Doll and selling over 54 million records, Ashley left the group in 2010 and has carved out a career on UK television. 

. New show Waitress mixes mouthwatering recipes with a surprisingly substantial filling packed with real-life issues from first love to infidelity and pregnancy to domestic abuse. Boasting a fantastic score from Sarah Bareilles and a potent mix of sass, sweetness and smarts, the Broadway hit is riding high in London as leading lady Katherine McPhee steps aside for X Factor star Lucie Jones as central character Jenna.

Ashley is shimmying in as her adorkable bestie Dawn and is ready and raring to take on a major new challenge in her career.


 Adorably, she also provides many of the laughs in the show as she navigates a rather bizarre romance with the equally odd Ogie, who loves Civil War reenactments. 

Ashley loves every bit of it not being glamorous.

Ashley has found love with Strictly’s Giovanni Pernice, but admits she’s had her share of disasters in the past. Most people have a car crash or two in their dating history, but Ashley literally almost did. 

“In the States, we have Homecoming dances in school and my date was driving me there,’ she recalls. “Back in the day, it was the thing to have big speakers in the car and it was so loud we didn’t hear an ambulance coming through the intersection. It almost T-boned me and killed me on the way to Homecoming. That was pretty rough.“

Strictly speaking, things these days are looking rather better. 

“I’m not much of a baker. I just buy the mix and add egg and water. My pie would be a little fiesta caliente, with a sprinkle of stardust.”

I try. I love fitness. My mother was a personal trainer. Remember step aerobics in the 1980s? Peggy Roberts was all over that. Exercise makes me feel good, it gets the heart pumping and the endorphins flowing. For me, it’s a way of life. It makes me feel good.

So, spinning, yoga and hiking when  I’m in Los Angeles. I love boxing, too.”

“What’s beautiful about the show is that there are real topics which don’t really get talked about in the theatre world or in life. But it takes a comedic twist which allows you to see the topic in all its humanity, laugh, cry, enjoy the music and then walk away with the message which is about empowerment. It takes you on a really raw journey and allows the audience to make up their own minds. We’re touching people’s hearts but also pushing a few buttons.”

The show made history on Broadway as the first with an all-female creative team from songwriter Sara Bareilles to 

“It’s certainly an interesting time right now,’ Ashley says.” With social media and so much awareness and access to every side, we feel like we take a few steps forward but now you worry, ‘Are we talking a few steps back?’ I’m hoping the awareness is shining light on things that need to be spoken about. Hopefully, we can make some positive changes. We have to hope.

And twenty years from now? 

‘Holy moly! I could never have imagined where I would be now. Sitting here, talking about pie,’ she laughs. “But obviously I would like to have a family and settle down. Hopefully, have a nice place by the water. I still have my house in LA but this is home for now. This is where I want to be.”

Twenty years in the business.

“Who would have known? It sounds crazy to me. Best thing I learned is to enjoy it in the moment. It sounds so cheesy but it goes by so quickly and then you’re like, ‘I wish I had just sat and indulged in that moment.” So I am trying to soak it all in right now. Even with Strictly, it was so intense and went by so fast.”

I made a few fashion mistakes in my time. But also just putting too much pressure myself. You want to go out there and do so well, but nobody is perfect. I needed to learn to tell myself, ‘Just relax, we’re not saving lives here, we’re just entertaining.’

“Who would have known this would be home for me? It’s been six years now. I did the jungle in 2012 which changed my life. I have an amazing group of friends here now, a community and work has been fantastic. I just feel like the Brits have adopted me.”

Ashley finished runner-up to Charlie Brooke in the twelfth series of I’m a Celebrity…Get Me Out of Here! 

She charmed the nation with her straight-talking, love of pranks and gutsiness during her baptism by bugs, slime and the obligatory encounter with the bitey end of a rat.

Her bikini bod also had Dec, in particular, a little hot under the collar. 

She has remained in touch with Made in Chelsea campmate Hugo Taylor “He just got married and I was at the wedding. I see Rosemary (Shrager) every now and then. But you all bond because of the extreme circumstances so no matter who came into the room after however long, I would immediately want to give them a big hug.

Like so many others, Lucie sprang to fame of the X Factor in 2009 but rather than chase a pop dream, the Welsh star has built an impressive career in musical theatre. One year later she was playing Cosette in Les Miserables. Lead roles in Rent, Legally Blonde, We Will Rock You and Ghost The Musical followed.

There was a slight detour to represent teh Uk at Eurovision in 2017. Her 15th place finish was a resounding success compared to the dismal bottom three positions of teh two years before and after her. 

It’s been unbelievable. I was terrified until the curtain went up but then Jenna is so chilled and laid back i just had to let it go. It’s such a ride. Her arc i sso fun to play I can qute believ I get to do this. 

Its really well done, I was speaking to David who plays Dr Pomater an dhe was saying a couple of his family members came to see te shjow and really struggled watching it because teh character isnt too dissimilar to him in person, both really nice guys, married. But the way it’s presented you see just how bad Jenna’s relationship is so when she connects with someone else you just want them to be happy. It’s  so well crafted.

Unlike Jenna, Lucie’s path to love has been a lot smoother, albeit with some fairytae touches. She married her X Factor sweetheart Ethan Boroian in 2017. They met at bootcamp on the show and stayed in touch, but only went on their first date 2014.

I’m married and i’m very fond of my husband. Love is very complicated and this show really represents that. I’m no good at making pies but my husband trained as a chef. So he helped me. Perhps that’s the key to a happy mariage, let them do what they’re good at.

I think it’s different know. It’s not the same show it was. People want different things. Also, there is a saturated market and so many more shows, we can watch teh American versions as well, so the audience is split. Th esic chair challenge terrifies me. I can’t watch it. I’m strong but I owuld crumble under that pressure. It’s brutal. I don’t watch the show any more.

I havent seen Simon for quite a while, but I work in theatre now so I’m not part of that Sony Muisc, Syco world. which really isnt a problem for me because I love what I do.

Its a shame. I dont know what happened this year. But teh main thing is everyone has a great time, gets drunk, dresses up at home watching it. I was doing Rent fro eight shows a week while I was sdoing Eurovision so I was tee total. But it was so fun. Bonkers.

I think I’m a mix of sweet and savoury. I’d put a bit of marshmellow because my hdart is quite soft but i’m definitely a crimped edge.

Its everything a theatre show should be. It makes you laugh it makes you cry it will make you want to be a better person. I’ve had people come up to me afterwards sobbing because they were so moved but also so happy at the end. And the music is amazing. Sara Bareilles is a genius..

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