Seven in ten parents feel ‘judged’ regularly – from birthing choices to feeding habits

Olivia and Alex Bowen open up on judgemental comments

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As a result, over half (56 percent) of those who feel intimidated by others’ views, are now apprehensive about having more children.

But this pressure has a widespread impact and lasting consequences on both parents and their children, leaving 38 percent feeling like they’re failing.

It also stops them from taking part in key activities with their child, such as going to developmental classes (51 percent), according to the findings from C&G baby club.

Judgement was found to be highest during the first year of parenthood, with everything from their child’s diet (31 percent) and the weaning process (26 percent), to whether they let their child look at screens (25 percent), being scrutinised.

But for some it starts even earlier, with nearly one in three parents (31 percent) who seek alternative conception methods claiming to have felt judged.

More than one in ten (11 percent) have felt the weight of people’s opinions during birth, and 25 percent beyond the first year of parenthood.

As a result, C&G baby club launched its #LoveDontJudge campaign, which aims to raise awareness of the damaging effects of parental judgement and provide tips, impartial advice, and support, through articles and a dedicated careline.

I’m no stranger to criticism, but the overwhelming amount of judgement I received was crushing

Olivia Bowen, TV personality

The brand has partnered with expectant parents Olivia and Alex Bowen, who have faced their fair share of judgement – both before being expectant parents and since – to support and help those that face parental criticism.

The couple have taken part in a content series which brings to life the judgemental comments parents receive, to raise awareness and end parental judgement before it starts.

TV personality, soon-to-be mum, and campaign ambassador, Olivia Bowen, said: “The minute I became pregnant, it was like I was fair game. Everything I ate, wore and did was heavily scrutinised, and I began to feel like I was damned if I did, and damned if I didn’t.

“I’m no stranger to criticism, but the overwhelming amount of judgement I received was crushing.

“That is why Alex and I have joined forces with C&G baby club – to put a stop to parental judgement and ensure every parent gets the support they need.”

The study also revealed how the levels of judgement felt by new parents negatively impacts mental health for 71 percent.

And, worryingly, it is stopping parents from being honest about how they feel and getting the help they need – with almost two-thirds (63 percent) feeling unable to share their parental struggles.

And over half (53 percent) have been reluctant to ask friends and family for advice.

It seems parents are damned if they do and damned if they don’t, with 11 percent feeling judged for conceiving naturally “too soon”.

Others felt the pressure of outside opinions around the non-conventional methods they opted for, including surrogacy (11 percent), IVF (12 percent), sperm donors (12 percent), and adoption (13 percent).

The research, conducted via OnePoll, also revealed one in four soon-to-be mums (24 percent) have received disparaging comments around their decision to work right up to their due date.

And one in five (21 percent) have felt judged about the way they choose to give birth.

A third of those who delivered via a caesarean felt criticised for choosing the procedure, while 47 percent were made to feel as though they had failed as a mother by not having a vaginal birth.

Meanwhile 28 percent of those who chose pain relief, such as epidurals, felt they were judged for putting their own comfort over the health of their baby.

It also emerged that one in three (32 percent) think judgement is felt most strongly from people they don’t even know – followed by eagle-eyed mothers-in-law (29 percent), those they consider to be friends (23 percent), and their own mothers (23 percent).

Gurinder Bal, spokeswoman for C&G baby club, said: “We believe it’s time for parental judgement to stop.

“There is no such thing as “perfect parenting”. Everyone has their own journey, with their child’s health and happiness being the number one priority.

“Parents deserve support, no matter what their parenting path looks like, or the choices they make.”

The #LoveDontJudge campaign aims to support on a whole range of topics – from guidance on exercising when pregnant and tips on weaning, to advice on how partners can support during labour in a dedicated Dads & Partners section.


  1. Bump size (too small/big)
  2. Eating habits of child
  3. Baby activity choices
  4. Eating habits during pregnancy
  5. Weight gain
  6. Level of rest required during pregnancy
  7. The weaning process
  8. Level of exercise during pregnancy
  9. Amount of screen time for children
  10. Child’s development

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