NHS doctor says baby spends nine months in mum’s womb soaking in own pee

An NHS doctor revealed the very first sign of humans "wetting the bed" starts at a stage earlier than most people think.

Dr Karan Rajan, who gains fame on TikTok sharing lesser-known medical facts, said babies generally spend nine to 12 months growing inside their parent's womb and receive the nutrition from the mother.

But what about their excretion?

Dr Karan took it to TikTok and showed an ultrasound clip of a baby "peeing inside the womb".

He said: "This is an ultrasound showing in utero foetal urination, medical speak for a baby peeing on its own house.

"So all that amniotic fluid surrounding the baby mainly consists of foetal urine.

"So in other words, you spend nine months soaked in your own pee."

Many people, including expectant mothers, found it "gross" when they realised their unborn babies are surrounded by urine.

"I don't need reminding of this fact while trying to conceive a second child," one said and a second wrote: "So that's what makes the new baby smell. Well now we know."

A third added: "So it's not your 'water broke'?"

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Some parents recalled that they had seen their then unborn child peeing during the ultrasound scan, with one describing: "We watched the bladder squeeze."

Dr Karan previously warned people could find a grim body "jewel" if they don't wash their belly button regularly.

The buildup of dirt, dead skins and sebum can turn into a stone, which is usually black in colour.

"If not washed out on a regular basis, this material can accumulate and harden into an omphalolith, a belly button stone," he added.

In another post, he also made a reaction clip to a man pouring hydrogen peroxide onto flesh wounds as he stressed it is not meant to be used on cuts, scratches, or open wounds.

It might be effective in killing bugs but it could kill skin cells and delay healing.

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