Inside Eva Mendes and Ryan Gosling's Famously Private World

North Woods / Splash News

Ryan Gosling and Eva Mendes are a couple. That’s what we know—and even that wasn’t immediately clear.

Their existence as human beings is verifiable, but their status as a couple going on eight years together and the parents of two children is provable only via the sparest shreds of evidence, including a couple of birth certificates and a few spoken acknowledgements that have escaped from the actors’ mouths while in a public setting.

Ryan and Eva started out as your average celebrity item in that they didn’t exactly invite attention, but nor did they entirely eschew it. There were walks to grab coffee, some date nights and a trip to Disneyland, as well as two red carpet appearances. They even did a Funny or Die video together very early on, in 2011. Still, it all makes for pretty shallow water in the photographic well. 

And in hindsight, those red carpet photos probably wouldn’t even exist if they hadn’t both been in a movie that needed promoting, the melancholy 2012 drama The Place Beyond the Pines.

That film, for all its tear-jerker elements, provided the setting in which our heroes met and fell in love before embarking on their determined quest to live their joint life out of the spotlight. 

No cute couple shots on Instagram, no birth announcements by way of magazine covers, no premieres, no award shows, no nothing.

It’s as if once they had found each other, they headed home, locked the door, rolled up the welcome mat behind them and made their house disappear. As though once they decided to get really serious, they decided that the public had had enough photo opportunities.

And while they haven’t taken every pain to be left alone—they do still live in the Hollywood area, after all—Eva and Ryan have succeeded at being so low-key as a unit that they’ve managed to welcome two new human beings into this world in as quiet a fashion as possible despite Gosling’s movie stardom and Eva remaining in demand for all things beauty and fashion. In the meantime, she has hit the brakes on acting while she spends more time with her family.

Some were annoyed that he didn’t say her name (because she’s famous, unlike the sound mixer’s significant other, which makes it OK for the sound mixer to just say “my wife” or “my girlfriend”), while still others didn’t like the imagined patriarchal implications of what he said, as if Mendes was putting “her man’s” career first and her happiness second.

None of which was implied in Gosling’s speech! (Not to mention, Mendes has said on multiple occasions that she is deliberately choosing to spend as much time with her kids as possible.)

And, he did say “Eva and Ezzy, I love you” as he was signing off from SNL in 2015, a pronounced tribute to Mendes and their little girl Esmeralda, born in 2014, who was joined by sister Amada in April 2016. He also, for the record, said her full name when, asked by Hello! Canada what drew him to his partner, he flat-out replied, “That she’s Eva Mendes. There’s nothing else I’m looking for.”

“I know that I’m with the person I’m supposed to be with,” Gosling said. 

Work vibes ?

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Mendes did go with Gosling to SXSW in March 2018, where he attended the premiere of his movie Song to Song, but you only knew that because she Instagrammed a pic of the theater.

Even after refocusing her attention away from making movies and more toward running her various businesses, she still was away from her daughters more than enough for her liking.

“I don’t know how I found balance,” Mendes told E! News in September 2017 while talking about her latest collection for he New York & Company signature line, which featured a newly expanded array of sizes to suit more body types. “I think it’s like a day-to-day kind of struggle, you know. And then the guilt! Oh my God, nobody warns you about the guilt that you feel when you do work!…I’m all for, obviously, taking care of myself—that’s how I can take care of them, of course—but that guilt that’s just kind of always there…” She sighed. “It’s like, ‘Ugh, this is going to be there forever now.'”

While Mendes has publicly said Gosling’s name even fewer times than he has mentioned hers (she at least knows his name is “Ryan”) and traditionally sticks to business when she’s doing appearances, she is inclined to share some adorable details about their kids. That’s what mommies and daddies do.

“My older daughter who just turned 3, she’s kind of oblivious that I do anything but be her mom, and I’m OK with that,” she told us with a huge smile on her face.

As for the girls’ personalities, Amada and Esmeralda are “pretty opposite,” Mendes said. Smiling slyly, she added, “They’re both angels, they’re just different kinds of angels.”

And as of September, they weren’t budding fashionistas just yet. “They live in jammies, you know,” Mendes told E! News. “They’re still in diapers—well, one of them’s still in diapers, so they’re just being babies as they should be.” They celebrated Esmeralda’s birthday days beforehand with “typical family stuff,” such as “cake, candles and gifts.”

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