We had a relationship as teenagers but lost touch for ten years, during which time I got into drugs in a big way.
I found her again through Facebook but she was married. She is 33 and I am 34.
After a while she realised she loved me so she ended it with him and we got together right away.
She is beautiful, kind and clever. I was managing to stay away from drugs and loving my new clean life.
Unfortunately, I was stressed with work problems and my addiction caught up with me again. I went to rehab and she stuck by me, but then I relapsed.
Now she says she will always love me but cannot cope with my habit. I feel like a failure.
My addiction is a curse which controls me.
DEIDRE SAYS: In truth, it doesn’t. I understand what a struggle you find it but you can choose to shut drugs out of your life, it just sounds as though you haven’t found the key.
Seek help again. Contact Frank drugs information service (talktofrank.com, 0300 123 6600).
Hopefully, your partner will be there for you as long as you really stay off drugs this time.
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