Having experienced a string of romantic heartbreaks, I've been struck by how the pain can have an extraordinary impact on our daily lives – how we eat, sleep, interact, think, work and communicate. Yet it's rare to hear how other people cope with such disruption.
Without plans, without ties to another person’s world, we have the chance to redefine who we are.
To uncover strategies for dealing with the aftermath of heartbreak, I used an online survey tool to put out an open questionnaire, inviting people to share their experiences. Nearly 100 people responded, many anonymously, to questions about the habits that helped or hindered their progress, and gave their advice on moving on. I heard from those getting over longterm relationships, unrequited crushes, broken marriages, or romances from decades ago. No instance, it seemed, was too fleeting or forlorn to unpack.
With each response, I felt comforted. We want to know that other people made it through this messy feeling and survived. We want them to show us their scars, but also to tell us how they healed. Eventually, patterns of coping behaviour emerged.
"I was like Dorothy in The Wizard of Oz going from black and white to technicolour. I was truly heartbroken, then I realised the amazing adventure I was in and how the heartbreak was necessary to allow that."
Various respondents referred to this experience of heartbreak beginning with a complete sense of depletion – a world rendered colourless and lifeless – and the often slow but sometimes explosive change to full colour.
Much like grief, heartbreak stems from a sense of loss. While we often mourn the loss of someone's company, the survey illuminated how we also mourn the loss of a particular future. As one respondent said: "I don't know what my future holds."
Embracing the full spectrum of emotions is acknowledging that they are part of the experience of heartbreak and loss. There will be days that feel like black and white, and others that feel like technicolour, when we see the future now possible.
Heartbreak is a loss and a gain, or as another respondent put it: "I have moments of complete confusion, yet moments of complete clarity – sort of a Twilight Zone feeling."
"I usually take a lot of pleasure from my daily routine – a hot shower, fresh coffee, walks – but time stretches out and pleasure diminishes.
From those who said they slept as much as possible or couldn't sleep at all, to emotional eating, hangovers and cancelling plans, the responses showed just how much our daily routines are disturbed by the end of a romance.
Sometimes this disorientation is compounded because we beat ourselves up for our "bad behaviour" post-breakup, instead of allowing ourselves to experience the heartbreak at full volume.
We need to let our hearts break in order to be healed. As Lily King wrote in her New York Times essay, "An Empty Heart Is One That Can Be Filled": "My heart was open, because I had finally let it break."
Many survey respondents echoed King's sentiment. "My heart has been broken enough times that I've learnt it's okay to allow myself to do this for a few days because I will feel better with time," said one.
"Maintaining a routine is both a struggle and a salve. I found routine comforting as it allowed me to maintain the illusion that things were normal for a little while."
While for some, heartbreak can cause inertia, for others a strict daily routine served as a safety net. Advice included shaking up your regular routine to find new things you enjoy, and putting reminders in your calendar to do things when it's all too easy to neglect the small stuff.
As one participant said, "I got very focused and practical and filled my calendar with reminders of the things that I needed to do: garbage, washing clothes, grocery shopping and so on. Looking back now, I think that I did this so that I would stop myself from spiralling into depression."
Many turned to friendships as an antidote. "I find myself making a lot more plans with friends and family and filling my schedule as much as possible," said one respondent. An exercise regimen, such as training for a marathon, often provided a semblance of scaffolding to the day. "Exercising was by far the most productive and helpful thing I did. I became stronger, fitter and healthier – I actually became the best version of myself throughout my heartbreak."
"Heartbreak helped to unlock my creativity even more. Maybe it was just a coincidence, but my art production increased. It seemed like it was just the experience I needed to unlock art that had been bubbling away inside me."
Many respondents described their creativity as being "unlocked" during a period of heartache – for some, it was the insight the breakup brought to darker emotions, while for others, creativity served as a distraction. One participant said she took up learning the drums, another started painting, a third began working on a documentary. As one person put it, "Heartbreak helped me recognise that my time is now available to spend on other things that are important to me."
"I still think about it every day and replay all the things I should have or could have done differently. It's torture."
Be it replaying rose-tinted memories and words uttered, revisiting text messages or refreshing social-media feeds, the survey confirmed that we all get caught in the past with breakups.
In some cases, this replay habit is part of the withdrawal process. Falling in love has been found to activate the same neurological reward centres as cocaine, and so the withdrawal process from lost love can mimic withdrawal from drugs and alcohol. Our brain tries to tell us that the only way to feel better is to connect with the ex again – leading to a regrettable text, or stalking an ex on Facebook.
In fact, "social-media stalking" was the most common response to the survey question: What destructive habits occur during heartbreak?
A study by psychologist Tara Marshall found that Facebook stalking is associated with "greater distress over the breakup, increased negative feelings, sexual desire and longing for the ex-partner, and lower personal growth". In fact, according to Marshall, even staying friends with an ex on social media reduces the possibility of learning and growing from the experience.
One respondent advised retraining your brain to avoid or skirt around thoughts of your ex, and to delete or block all social-media connections.
"My heartbreak totally changed my life: it made me quit my career, move from one side of Australia to the other and go back to university full-time. It made me re-evaluate my life by seeing it through someone else's eyes. It's made life a lot harder and more challenging, but more real and I feel better for it."
Heartbreak is often described as "shattering" and "soul-destroying", but it can also instigate a period of personal regeneration.
One respondent was able to rediscover who she was without her long-term partner. "Three years ago, my partner of 15 years and I broke up three months before we were about to get married! I felt like the world had turned upside-down. It felt like I had not only lost a partner, but that I had lost who I was, and I had to reinvent that person again without him."
Without plans, without ties to another person's world, we have the chance to not only redefine who we are, but also where we want to be. We can embrace solitude and find the life we want for ourselves, which may have became lost.
"I write things down, usually letters to the cause of my heartbreak. What I should have said, what I want to say now – but can't."
The tactile nature of having a pen or pencil in hand was a common comfort for those experiencing heartbreak. Another respondent confessed: "I draw an ex in unflattering ways." Other forms of cathartic release included a cup of tea and a call to mum, journalling, yoga, watching crime documentaries, cooking, babysitting, and reading "Dear Sugar" columns by Sheryl Strayed.
Forming habits or engaging in new activities with other people was a common comfort. "After a month I started pottery classes, which was great to meet new people and slowly recover from my heartbreak – little did I know, my pottery teacher was also heartbroken!"
"A breakup can feel like a horrible standstill, as if life has just stopped. It hasn't. Life is still rolling on, with or without you. In whatever ways you can manage, don't stop moving."
Within the responses, it became clear that one question contained its own answer: What advice do you have for moving through heartbreak? Whether it's giving yourself permission to feel broken, or building a routine or a creative practice to hold yourself upright, the survey offered a range of methods for dealing with the pain of romantic loss.
Beyond the strategies, though, was the most important lesson: that we are not alone in our heartbreak, and its mere existence is a way to show us ourselves again. We don't see it while we are in the "black and white" stage of loss, but many months or years later, we understand just how much we have learnt about ourselves. "Now, many years out, I'll say it's one of the best things that happened to me," explained one respondent.
"I found myself – well, I'm still working on that – discovered my tribe, did things I was passionate about and realised that I wasn't this ugly, boring person I had thought I was for the last who knows how many years."
This article appears in Sunday Life magazine within the Sun-Herald and the Sunday Age on sale August 19.
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