Hero parents with baby save life of drowning teen by pulling him from reservoir

New parents out for a walk with their three-week-old baby saved the life of a drowning teenager.

Zach and Judie Harrison were able to pull the struggling teen from Foremark Reservoir in South Derbyshire.

They had been out walking with daughter Gracie, as well as friend Paige Ebanks and her boyfriend, on Bank Holiday Monday when they heard screams for help.

Judie told Derbyshire Live how she brought one of the two lads back to life after Zach and Paige hauled him out of the water.

Zach, 27, said: "We had literally just got there and were walking down to the beach when we heard a lad shouting for help. I ran down to the beach and saw two lads, who looked about 14, in trouble in the water.

"I emptied my pockets, took my shoes and shirt off and jumped in. I swam over to them, but they kept going under.

"I went under myself and tried to push them up and keep them afloat, but one of the boys looked like he was drowning. He was unconscious in the water.

"I could see his friend was more relieved to get help and I focused on trying to get the unconscious boy back to the beach.

"I was trying to keep him up while swimming back to shore but it was hard work. I was tired and I started to get confused and panicked."

Luckily at that point, the couple's friend, 25-year-old Paige, from Church Gresley, swam in to help.

Judie – a trained medic – was still suffering after Gracie was born by C-section just weeks earlier, so was unable to wade in.

And by pure chance, a doctor was walking past at the exact moment she started making her way down to the beach with her pushchair to help.

The 26-year-old said: "I said to the doctor 'someone needs help down there; I hope no-one is drowning; I hope it isnt kids'.

"I was hesitant to go into the water as I just had a C-section, but I dragged one of the boys onto the beach and the doctor started CPR, then I took over. I passed the phone to Paige's boyfriend, Dan, who called 999.

"I kept checking for a pulse and he didn’t have one. I was doing compressions and he started spluttering and vomiting water.

"I brought him back and put him on his side so he wouldn’t choke.  I was so relieved then. I honestly thought he was gone."

"It was awful but I just thank god we were there at that time. It was so hot and the reservoir was rammed, but nobody else was doing anything.

"Zach just jumped in without hesitation and without him it would have been a completely different story.

"He put his life at risk, despite having a newborn daughter, and I dread to think what might have happened to him or Paige.

"The water is so dangerous and there are so many signs saying 'do not swim'.

"I can’t believe Zach was the only person to go in and try to help. We have heard since that the boy is ok and I am so glad. Hopefully he won’t be doing that again."

Paige said the whole incident "was a blur" and she cannot believe the teen came back around.

She said: "I genuinely think that if it wasn’t for Zach diving in; well it doesn’t bear thinking about.

"Zach couldn’t touch the floor and I struggled to hold the boy's body weight, but I knew I had to help.

"The water was so cold and I was trying so hard to keep his head above the water.

"I can’t believe he came back round. Zach said 'he has gone Paige' and I thought 'that's someone’s son; he's so young."

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